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Slight trigger warning**


My hand was warm and comfortable in my boyfriend's as we walked down the street in the hot, summer weather. We both wore tank tops and shorts and it was scorching hot outside and somehow, we both decided it would be nice to go for a stroll down to the shops. We were running short of some things, and it was just another excuse to hold Dan's hand, even though we were just creating more heat.

"Why did we decide on this again?" Dan piped up, using his free hand to wipe small beads of sweat from his forehead and pushing his now curly fringe back.

"Because we're out of OJ, remember?" I chuckled in response as I saw his hair.

"Shut up Phil," he grinned.

"WE HATE FAGS. WE HATE FAGS..." a crowd of people were chanting. We both turned around to see an anti-LGBT rally happening over to our left. There was a huge crowd of people and they were all holding signs and posters and they were all screaming extremely offensive things.

"Homosexuals are all going to hell."

"Homosexuality is a sin."

"They're all going to burn in the depths of hell."


I knew it shouldn't have bothered me, but somehow it did. It brought a bubbling in my stomach, and I don't know if it was anger, embarrassment or just the heat starting to get to me. But it made me feel queasy, whatever it was.

It was hard to miss it, I wondered how I managed to oversee it until now... I guess my brain was too clouded by my thoughts to realise that they were there before.

"Are you serious?" Dan muttered, stopping in the middle of the pavement to stare them down. They weren't even facing us so I didn't see the point.

"Dan, let's just go," I mumbled, attempting to pull him forward. But he was dead in his tracks.

"Hang on. I have an idea. Can we go over to them? Please?" He asked, looking back over to me with big, brown eyes.

"Dan... no. Please, I just want to go back home..." I pleaded.

"But Phil..."

I sighed. I hate it when he does that. He knows I'll give in if he tries hard enough.

"What do you want to do?" I asked blankly.

"Can we be gay together?" He giggled. The idea sounded great, it would be hilarious to see their reactions, but I'm too insecure for that. I don't want the attention on me. I don't want everyone to hate me. But on the other hand, I didn't want to change who I am just to please close-minded people. I paused to think about both sides.

"Fine. But we can't be long, okay?" I said. He nodded quickly and we rushed over to the shouting. I tightened my grip on his hand as we ran around them to the front of the crowd. We stopped in front of them, and the shouting died down in curiosity.

Next thing I knew Dan's hands were snaked around my waist and in my hair as he pulled me forward. Our lips connected and I felt a tingle in my stomach.

I couldn't believe we were doing this! Everyone was watching in utter disgust, and began shouting horrible things at us, which made me self conscious.

As if reading my thoughts, I felt Dan's hand trail from my neck to my cheek, stroking it gently with his thumb to reassure me that everything was okay. I grinned into his lips before pulling away slightly.

It was hard to kiss and smile.

I opened my eyes and saw two chocolate brown eyes staring at me, lips curling into a huge grin. I've never seen him smile so widely.

I pulled him in for a hug, ignoring the words and the rubbish that they were hurling at us. We were both happy.

And that's the only thing that matters.

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