"So, what class are you going to?" (Name) pouted at the question amd shyly muttered her answer.
"S-second...grade.." Urie chuckled before swinging their entertwined hands happily.

"Alright! Lets go!"

'What a hectic day..' (Name) sighed heavily as she finally entered the estate with her step brother.
'..And its not even done yet!' She grumbled to herself.

Apparently, since its finally the weekend, three of the most important families of the entire devil realm are meeting up at their estate.
Which basically means Urie, Mage, and Shiki are here for the day.

"I'm staying at the library, (Name)." (Name) nodded absent-mindedly as she watched Rem walk away.
'Boring ass.' She pursed her lips in annoyance before sitting on the porch of the house.

She let the breeze flutter her hair as she swung her legs in boredom. Not even a second later, she complained about how the material of the porch was made out of wood that hurt her butt and decided to lay on the grass.

She closed her eyes, getting comfy on the grass, and thought,
'Do I want to go back to my modern world?'

Before she could think more about her question, Shiki suddenly appeared causing her to jump up in surprise.

'So it's true...he kind of has Laito's voice..'

(Name)'s eyes brightened when she got an idea go through her head.

"Can we play?"

"What are we? 5 year old's, how cute!" The fallen angel giggles, as he watched (Name)'s expression fall into embarrassment.

"You're so mean!" (Name) huffed and crossed her arms.

Then she smiled once again, catching Shiki off guard.

"What are you smiling about now?"

"I know someone who will play with me!" Before Shiki could question her, (Name) had already disappeared with her (color)ed sparks gliding through the sky.


(Name) has arrived to another place. It was the garden behind the mansion.The grass on the ground were littered with stems that held colorful flowers.
(Name) walked over to one yellow tulip and plucked it off of its stem. Before she could analyze its beauty, the tulip decayed and turned into ash.
"Why do flowers hate me?" She muttered angrily to herself before rubbing her hands together to get rid of the ashes.

(Name)'s ears perked up a sound. It wa coming from a certain direction. She immediately started walking towards the noise to find two boys, fighting.
"Vanilla are for losers who have no sense of taste!"
"Chocolate tastes so heavy it hurts my throat!"

(Name) sweatdropped.
'Mage and Urie, usual.'
"Guys! Guys! Cookies n Creme is the best!" She decided to butt in.
They both looked and yelled at her out of frustration.
"No!" And they looked away, fighting once more.
She pouted before another idea struck her.
"To end this battle, let's go get ice cream and try the flavors!"
(Name) sighed before turning and walking towards a pathway that lead her to the front gates.
'I guess I can do it myself.' The gate made a squeaky noise as it opened and closed.

She decided to go to the human world, since the devil relm dont acquire such happy stuff, and went to a nearby ice cream stand near a sketchy park.It was a small one but atleast they sold ice cream there. There was also a huge building in front of it where people with long white coats come and go.
(Name) shuddered as she swiftly passed by it.

The iconic ice cream truck music was coming closer and she walked towards it.Fazed by the music, (Name) didn't realize a bearded tall man brushed shoulders with her. It immediately sent a shock all over her body causing her to freeze.
The man narrowed his eyes before harshly grabbing her arm and pulling her towards him.
"Whats a vile creature like you littering this peaceful planet?" (Name) must admit, the words stung.

"Let go, Let go-Ah!" With all her strength she pulled without realizing that the man let her go. She hit the ground painfully.

'Why here? Why now? Why.. Me?'

She hissed in pain once the man sprayed holy water at her. It was sizzling against her skin. Immobile with fear, all she did was watch her demise.

He got his rosary out and raised it above her, muttering another language she couldn't understand.
Suddenly, she saw a flash of light hit the exorcist and he fell on the ground.

(Name) widened her eyes looking around for her saviors before spotting her three favorite people.

"Mage! Urie! Shiki!" She scrambled up and ran towards them, holding onto Urie's clothes.

"Ugh stupid exorcists..." Mage muttered angrily as he caressed his hand.
Urie looked over to (Name), who was slightly trembling like a scared puppy, and held her hand tightly.
"Let's go before he gets up!" Shiki stated as he teleported first. Mage followed after, then Urie and (Name).
Once they arrived at the house, they let out a sigh of relief.

"You idiot, what were you thinking!" Mage looked over to (Name) who's starting to tear up.

"I don't know! I was the happily going to get ice cream for you all and he suddenly appeared!" All of them widened their eyes.

"Ice cream..?" Shiki repeated to himself.

"You were so damn slow like a floating shrimp! I'm going to start calling you shrimp, loser!" Mage taunted, crossing his arms to his chest.

"You're so mean, Mage! I literally just got out of death a minute ago, have mercy!" She wiped the spilling tears with her sleeve.
She then became shy and flustered once she realized she had to thank them.

"... thank..." She rubbed her forearm and shyly rubbed the tip of her shoe on the ground, shamefully.

" Oh! I can't hear you that well! What did you say?" Shiki smirked as he neared his face to hers.
"Thank you! Are you guys deaf?!"

"I can't hear you when you talk to your shoes, shrimp!"
"Oh your welcome little butterfly! Just don't do it again!" Urie beamed as he placed his arms behind his back.
"Oh you're just so adorable!" Shiki squeezed her cheeks pulling it in different directions.

"(Name) Arnold! Where were you?! You had me worried!" Rem emerged from inside the house to the garden.
He glanced at the trio with a menacing stare.
"Didn't I tell you three to take care of my idiotic sister?!"
"I think we should escape Rem's wrath..." (Name) whispered to the three.
The four of them turned around before running away in different directions with grins on their faces.

"OI! This is no time for games, come back!"

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