Chapter 2 - Move Over Summer

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The school day went rather quickly and I sat in my room, earphones in and studying for an upcoming chemistry test. “Summer, Rose, Phoebe, come downstairs for a minute please.” Mum called from the base of the stairs.

Phoebe tumbled down the staircase grinning wildly, Rose and I laughing as she jumped up onto the sofa next to Mum. “What’s up Dad?” I asked, sitting down on the couch next to him and placing my arm over his neck and resting it on his shoulder.

“Girls, we have to talk to you about something.” He said sounding slightly nervous; his sweaty palmed hands lay in his lap. “Well I got a job offer today and it’s a big promotion but…” he paused, “It means we have to move.”

After a long pause of silence, Rose finally piped up. “That’s great Dad!” She yelled, jumping to her feet to give him a tight hug. “Where do we have to move to?” I questioned suspiciously.

“Well that’s the thing. Your Mum and I have been talking and we think it’s a great opportunity that may never present itself again. So we are moving to Australia.”

“WHAT?!” Rose and I yelped together, proceeding to bombard our parents with complaints. They just sat their exchanging worried looks and sighing. I closed my mouth when I noticed Phoebe’s bottom lip drop and the tears begin to stream down her cheeks.

Mum pulled her into her arms comforting her and making gentle cooing sounds to soothe her tears. “Shh shh shh, Pheebs. Come on now, your sisters were just surprised by the move. Did you hear Dad? We’re going to move to Australia!”

“Australia? Really Mummy? She asked, her eyes wide and the tears fading. “Uh-huh, cool huh?” Phoebe nodded enthusiastically, her tears now replace by a joyful smile.

“Why don’t you go and start packing your room up?” Mum suggested, Phoebe running up to her room giggling happily. She was such a cutie; Blonde straight shoulder length hair and bright blue eyes that sparkled just as bright as her smile. She reminded me of myself at 6, but she had a lot more confidence than I did.

“Mum, please don’t make us go!” I pleaded. “Summer, we know it’s a long way to move and it’s going to take some time and adjustment, it’s going to be a hard next few months. But just remember, this is going to be an amazing opportunity for not just your Father but for all of us and we will support each other every step of the way.”

“When do we leave?” I sighed, admitting defeat. There was no use arguing, we were moving and that was that. “Two weeks,” my Mum replied.  “Mmm-kay,” I mumbled as I headed towards my room to begin packing.

“Sum, are you okay?” Rose asked, slowly peeking around the corner of the doorframe. “Not really Rosie, I don’t know how I’m going to deal with this, America’s been our home our whole life!” I gushed to her as she made her way over to my bed, her expression dropping as I spoke. We both knew we felt the same way.

Not a word was spoken, she just sat on my bed and we simply gripped onto each other’s backs and waited for the tears to spill over. Crying onto one another’s shoulders and clinging to each others backs until we fell asleep.

Why did everything have to change?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Howdy there ;D hehe ... welly welly welly, another chapter :P aha well ill keep it short here so the song for the chapter is Listening by Tonight Alive :) hehe great song :P As always, vote, fan & comment :)

Love ya's all ;P <3 xx

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