Chapter 2

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okay so here's the next chappy, enjoy

Charlie moves through the streets as if playing a game of 'don't touch the lava', but really she's trying to avoid the colourless shadows and bodies- bodies line the streets, as if toys haphazardly left by a child that found a new play toy. Her fear of the dark as a child has returned, but stronger, with only her imagination to occupy her thoughts.

The streets are strewn with bodies,cars, rubble and litter. She goes to check if anyone's alive but can't bring herself to, after all, she's only a mere city kid who's afraid of spiders, blood and the dark, even the end of the world can't change that.

She continues on as quietly as possible- following the ocean's example- trying to be as quiet as possible. She follows the magnificent colours of the setting sun heading towards the outer suburbs of the once bustling city. As she goes she hums to herself thinking about its funny how the world has ended however, ironically the sunrises and sunsets are just as magical, if not better than before it happened. Before she lost everything. She finds an abandoned high rise to hide in for the duration of the night.

- - - - -

IV days since...

Charlie doesn't sleep well that night, as she hasn't since it happened. She is awake well before the bursting ball of gold pushes the depthless black over the horizon and spreads stunning golds, iridescent lilacs, rosy pinks, elegant purples,sparkling oranges, stunning blues and a whole rainbow of colours across the sky. It fills the washed-out emptiness of the city, and her soul. Just after this amazing display of nature, Charlie could be heard murmuring one of Shakespeare's greatest lines 'to be or not to be, that is the question', after all, what is the point of living if there is no one to share moments like these with, it's not living if there's no one to live with, it's just existing.

Snapping out of her dazed state and glancing down at her matted blonde hair, it becomes apparent that 4 days of isolation are not good for her hair, or her mind. She really needs to find something to talk to so she doesn't go mad, or madder! Charlie packs up the few possessions that she owns, rummages around the apartment she crashed in last night and finds a box of tiny teddies, remembering the way he would always break off the heads, and give them to her, she never ate the bodies, that was his job. She eats only one packet of them, finding it so hard to not break them in half first. She puts the rest in the bottom of a bag she finds lying near the cupboard, the owner of the bag was probably once a hiking enthusiast, now a parent, whose hobbies have been taken up by nappies, toys and a whole lot of screaming. Her gaze lingers, looking out upon the sunrise over the city that she may never see again. She tears her gaze away and heads off to find someone... anyone... anyone at all.

cote <3

Endless Days of Sunsets and ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now