Mission Start

401 16 8

"Tsuna.. I-Is that you......?"

"We're .... pacific o-ocean..."

"..... Treasure ...."

"Take care....... o-of him...."

 "W-What do you mean, Aunt?"



"Jyuudaime!!! Are you okay!?" A yelling was heard through the Vongola Mansion. It was indeed Vongola Decimo's (self-proclaimed) right hand man, Gokudera Hayato who has yelled loudly. The brunette finally awake. "G-Gokudera-kun..?" He ask trying to stand up.

He saw the clock nearby, 6 : 31 PM. "Did I fell asleep?" He ask to himself, trying to recall what happened before he sleep. "Jyuudaime! Did you find that Jack bastard on the rooftop?!" The silver head quickly ask. Tsuna make some blinking, "Roof top? D-Did I told you to do something earlier..? Why don't I remember anything?" The mafia don say focusing on what happen. But nothing. It was all blurry.

"Are you okay, Tsuna? Don't push yourself. Tomorrow's the day when we should guard that something right?" Tsuna just nodded slowly before his guardians left one by one with sad and shock faces --Except for some though--.

'What happened? And Jack?' The brunette thought. He felt familiar with this Jack. 'It's Hachi's friend was it? But..'

"More like tuna than Tsuna, haha!!"

Tsuna widen in suprise, "What was that?" He then shook his head. "I can't remember anything.. What happen before I came back here?"

---Time Skip ; 6 AM

Lots of mafiosos came in and out from the Vongola Mansion. They were getting ready for the three phantom thiefs' infiltration. But by the Decimo's order, they can not bring any harmful weapons. (Well Tsuna is soft hearted so he don't want to shed blood~ And so they'll maybe bring fought with bare hand)

There are maybe around only 500 while the others are scattered around the world for missions. (I mean if I remember Chiavarone/Cavallone have 5,000.. Then Vongola which is bigger would maybe have 10,000 right? No?) Those 500 subordinates are lining outside, waiting for orders even though the show will start later on.

(My, their loyalty are so high~ XD)


"I've been wondering.. After the meeting, where did Grandpa gone to?" Our favourite brunette ask. He was wearing casual clothes because he insisted. "Oh, he went to German last night when you were.. resting, Jyuudaime." Gokudera answers with slight hessitation on the word resting. Tsuna noticed, but shrugg it and nodded in understandment.

When they arrive in the dining room. All they could see is.. suprisingly not chaos. Everyone sitting on their own sit, eating silently and awkwardly. Tsuna was quite suprise and happy. Even though it is a bit awkward there, he smile and greeted everyone like always before started eating as well.

8 AM

Tsuna was now outside in the yard with Gokudera, Yamamoto and also the 500 subordinates. It seems that Tsuna told those people to split into two group to guard outside and inside.

9 AM

By Reborn's order, Tsuna was told to do paperworks instead of his Grandfather who is currently out.

Rest in peace, Tsuna.

10 AM

The Guardians of Vongola Decimo is either sparring, they would lazing around. For example, Mukuro and Hibari was sparring-- battling in the training room. Lambo was eating sweets and sleeping in his room. Gokudera re-loading his dynamites stock, Yamamoto on his dojo. While Ryohei suprisingly having a phone with Kyoko.

11 AM

Tsuna is still stuck in the hell-- I mean his Grandfather's office signing the damn *coughs* paperworks.

And while doing it, he felt the mansion shaking almost 5 times per minute. And you can guess, it's because of Mukuro and Hibari's fight.

The Vongola don is relieved though, because it's only shaking and not really damaged.

...hopefully so...

12 PM

Tsuna finally was able to finish it and go to have lunch. Only to get his lunch time wasted until 2 PM because of a certain food fight.

It was all begin like this..

"Uwah, finally finished!" And then he look at the time. 'Oh, time for lunch~ I'm starving..' And with that he walk outside to the dining room.

Tsuna walking quietly taken a like to the silence in the mansion. And when he arrive, it was quiet as well. He liked it. And then he open the door and smile. "Hi everyone." He say.

Everyone sitting on their seat not saying anything, except Yamamoto. "Yo, Tsuna. How's your job?" He ask with his happy grin. Before Tsuna could answer it, Gokudera yelled. "How dare you, baseball freak to speak to Jyuudaime like that!" And with that shout Lambo woke up from his nap in the table. Then Hibari also snapped and saying "I'll bite youto death for yelling". Mukuro steps in and "Kufufu"-ed which make Mukuro and Hibari themselves fight each other.

Mukuro said he was bored with fighting with his illusions and so, he throw a pie, to Hibari's face. It went silent.

Until Lambo laughs hardly and got another pie throwed to Lambo. It was Gokudera who threw it, while shouting, "Shut up, Aho ushi!" Yamamoto laugh like always and got hitted by Gokudera as well.

That's when, "EXTREME FOOD FIGHT!!" Ryohei came in and shoot pasta to Mukuro. Tsuna kept on having his smile. Until.. His beloved Strawberry Short Cake was thrown right beside him.

The food fight was stopped. Because, all hell broke loose. Mukuro tried escaping with his illusions, but Tsuna has punch him and he was K.O ed.

"H-Haha.. T-Tsuna's punch has leveled up.." Yamamoto say before the remaining Guardians was burned to crisp.

And the maids and butlers was told not to pick them up, just let them stay there. And Tsuna happily ate his lunch with a silent.

4 PM

The guardians finally was awake, and was told to prepare for the fight.

~Time skip

"It's almost time. Get ready." Tsuna say. He was still not in HDWM. "I'll be in back here alone. Gokudera, Yamamoto, you'll be in the first hall. Onii-san and Lambo in the second hall. And Hibari-san with Mukuro in the third hall." For this time, no one objects. Because of the punishment they got earlier.

They look at the time.

6 PM

They all nod to each other, "Mission start!"



Because of the newest episode, Season 4 Episode 12 most of Kaitou Joker ffs was on hiatus unless Hachi is alive TwT

You know that Hachi won't die right TT-TT

This chapter is on KHR's side, next chappie will enter the fight! I wonder will Joker get the Vongola's Sin or not ; v ;


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