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BUZZ BUZZ BU......I smack the alarm clock off my make shift night table made from my old school books from previous school years. I turn over an go right back the only normal place I know, my dream land. It felt like minutes later when I heard someone smashing stuff down stairs. Then there was stomping coming up the stairs I jumped up an glanced at my clock. Oh crap why was I so stupid to give in to the delightful urge of more sleep. It's now 6:45am I was supposed to get up for five to get ready for school, but more importantly cook my terrible excuse of a father breakfast. This is just terrific he's gonna beat me again an I'm gonna be late to school. No sooner then the stomping stops you can hear my fathers slurred speech cursing me under his breathe. "You no good trashy, selfish sorry excuse of a bratty daughter I keep a roof over her head an she don't even cook me food." Next thing you know my room door is flying open. My so called father has me by the throat up against my bedroom door with one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other. "Becky didn't I tell you that if you didn't make my breakfast you would be punished."I didn't say anything because no matter what I say he still beats me. "Answer me now you whore." When I didn't answer he squeezed my neck even tighter until I had no choice but to speech if I ever wanted to breathe again. Y.y.e.....ss sir I barely weezed out of my mouth . "Well the little slut can talk " he said as he roughly grabs my face with the hand he once had around my neck sorry father it won't happen again I promise I can go an quickly make you some food before I leave for school. "I can go make u some food before I leave for school" he mocks me in a slurred yet bad impression of my voice. He had this crazy look in his eye the same look he has before he starts his so called "fun" I mental started to prepare my self for the beating. He pushed me down an just starts to kick me repeatedly in the stomach an chest and when he felt like he did enough he left my room and walked down the hall at least that's what I thought. I slowly got up off the floor when I thought the coast was clear using my toddler sized bed to get up. And sat on my bed to catch my breath. No sooner than I say on the bed my dad once again burst through my door "hey you ugly bitch why are you siting down instead of going make me my food" he screamed at me while marching towards me . I tried my best not to let the fear show bc it will just anger him more. Tequila bottle still in one hand with the the other gripping my upper arm surely leaving some nasty marks."Your just like your mother except your more of a bitch than her at least she always made me food you whore " he slurred an paused mid yelling at me taking one last swig from the bottle of liquor. "Maybe next time you will remember I come before anything else you selfish bitch " then smashed the tequila bottle over my head stumbled down the steps and out the front door getting in her car and most likely driving back to the bar he just came from. As I sat there on the floor to weak to try an get up with my head spinning I start to think . My dad wasn't always like this yes he was a little aggressive but never later a finger on my mother but the screamed a lot . We used to go on family vacations every summer he would acknowledge me as his beautiful daughter. It wasn't until my mother passed away that he slowly started to drift into this beast . I was brought back out of my thoughts when I felt something trickle down the side of my face I got up the quickest I could in my condition and went into the bathroom my head has a pretty nasty cut but not enough for stitches thank god. As I was in the bathroom I looked at all the new bruises looked at the time on my flip phone an the time was 10:30 am so I decided to just skip school for today an rest a little an remembering to set my clock for 5:00pm so I can have fathers food cooked an on the table for 6:30 to avoid another beating. Although this can ruin my nerd reputation.

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