Chapter Five: Blind

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Blusie's P.O.V

Slowly, I opened my eyes and noticed we weren't flying anymore.

I sat up and looked at my surroundings, a dark, cold, grey cave.

"She's awake," I heard someone whisper.

The oldest girl walked toward me and sat down.

"Hey, I'm Max," she said, "Can I ask you some questions?"

I nodded.

"What's you name?"She asked.


"How old are you?"

I thought for a moment, "Um... probably thirteenish..."

She smiled, "Have you been at the school long?"

I nodded, "My whole life."

Max frowned and stood up.

I followed her as she walked toward the edge of the cave.

My eyes widened when I saw how high we were.

I began breathing heavily and backed up toward the back of the cave.

My heart pounded against my chest and my breaths came in short gasps.

Max yelled for Iggy and Pearl, just as my vision started to blur.

Both of them landed inside the cave and Pearl rushed toward me.

"Blusie, what's wrong?" She asked, looking alarmed.

Iggy answered for me, "She's scared."

I felt arms wrap around me and I looked up to see Iggy hugging me.

My breathing steadily evened.

"T-thanks," I mumbled and pulled away from the boy.

My stomach felt funny, so I sat down against the cold cave wall.

Max asked Iggy if I was alright and he answered, "Yeah, she's just scared."

Max seemed confused, "Of us?"

"No, no... of.. heights," Iggy answered, glancing at me nervously.

Pearl helped me to my feet and I stood, looking at my bare feet once more.

Max laughed, "A bird kid... scared of heights!"
Iggy and I both nodded simultaneously.

"Maybe she just needs a little help," said Max, smirking.

"Max!" Iggy warned.

"Okay, fine. You teach her, Ig," said Max.

Iggy nodded and said, "I will, tomorrow."

Then he walked toward me and whispered, "Don't worry, I won't let you fall."

He sat down beside me and stared blankly ahead.

"I'm blind, if your wondering," he told me.

I gasped, "What? How? But you... and then...Iggy, I'm so sorry..."

"It's fine, really, I'm used to it."

My mouth hung open in shock, "How, Iggy?"

He shook his head, "The School thought they could improve my vision..."

"I'm so sorry, Iggy!"I told him.

He nods, "I'm gonna sleep, will you be okay?"

I sigh, "Yeah, goodnight."

Iggy yawns, "Goodnight..."

He lays down and soon after begins snoring.

I look around and see everyone else sleeping, except Pearl.

Pointing at the girl with the purple hair tips, I whisper, "What's her name?"

Pearl smiles at me and whispers, "Lily. Go to sleep."

I nod and pull my knees to my chest, laying my head on my knees.

I begin to drift off and think,
Maybe we're safe...


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