Chapter 5: Recent events ....? (Final Chapter)

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So three years ago I mom and dad got divorced I chose to live with my mom because my father somewhat scares me......I made new friends who first came to Gillingham I met a girl named Katlyn,but my best friend Wilona left the school because of the drama......I miss her thou......but in 10th or 11th grade I dated this boy named Tristan......the relationship last for about about a week or a few days.....he was really touchy with me.......I didn't like it thou said no didn't work......he made me cry because I thought he was gonna die but he lied......and he threatened me.......soon I met a girl named Jillian......we started dating after a few months or so and have been together ever has been two years since me and her started dating......I was and still am happy to have her.......but during the summer of last year I had people forget about me delete me as their friend on Facebook people stopped talking to me etc.....someone told me to die and lied to me about their feelings (before I met the love of my life) and I cried.......and I have been having issues at school and at home so I became (you know) depressed and stressed etc. 

(Here is Chapter 5 and sorry..................) 

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