30 - Rachelle

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Squirting a generous amount of mayo on the slice of bread, I slowly packed on two leafs of broken lettuce, two tomatoes, and a generous amount of meat; pulling the plastic wrap over it to keep it fresh. That was only one of 48 I had to make, four of those being mine. It's been like this for a straight week, and I can't really remember if I enjoyed cutting hair, or making sandwiches. more

"You got an hour to make all those!" A near by guard yelled, startling me so I dropped the mayo bottle on the floor. "Hey! Watch what you are doing!"

Hastily, I picked up the container, placing it back on the station where it was before. My emotions have been whack for the past week, and I just want to cry every time a guard would raise their voice at me, or touch myself whenever I was alone because I'm just so freakin' horny! But adding onto that I'm paranoid, and don't want to loose whatever was in me, whose ever it was. But, then again I don't know how I am going to accept it if it is not Gunner's, yet alone how the other man will accept it; getting put into prison for burglary and assault is something I want a baby to be involved with. The jail kept offering me some pill that would kill it immediately, but I wasn't that type of person. I know I'm in prison, but it's not for something crazy like murder. I just trafficked drugs, used and got caught.

I came here in an awful condition. I was forced to snort more then I could handle the night before, and was put in detox for two days, then spent one more alone before I was escorted to my cell. This was a little over a year ago, and I was practically destroyed that night.

He was known as Ripper, and now I know why he is called that. He took me that night so roughly I could barely get up the next morning to go to breakfast, let alone to the barber shop. My hips, neck, chest, back, thighs, and all around my mouth was bruised. I was so scared he would kill me so I didn't tell a guard. I stayed locked away, and avoided them at all costs. It wasn't until I met Gunner things became a tad bit easier.

He was escorted into the barber shop with Ash standing behind him, hands behind his back and cuffed. His hair was buzzed off, and I could faintly see the outline of a tattoo that ran from his hip disappearing on his back through the wife beater he was wearing. He was a sexy man with tan skin, and bright gray eyes, almost silver, that popped out as soon as you looked at him. His lips were smooth and curved up at one corner when he noticed me looking at him.

"Gunner, this is Rachelle." The guard barely paid any attention to us. "He's the new recruit, so you have to teach him the ways." The guard gripped Gunner's shoulders tightly before leaving.

Ash used to be really talkative until something happened with his cellmate that made him so quiet; he barely uttered a word. He was really open with me until one day he threatened me if I didn't stop talking. I was taken aback, but I didn't hold it against him. Prison was a overpowering place, and it could either make you, or break you. I believe it broke Ash for a little while.

"Are y'all almost done?" Wrapping my third last sandwich, I replied with a nod, pulling out a fresh piece of plastic wrap and putting two piece of bread. Once I was finished, I wiped off my hands and allowed the guard to handcuff me hands in front before taking me back to the STU. All in all it sucked being in here. I was lonely with nobody to talk to, or anything to read or do. The plus side to it was that I have my own shower, and a bathroom with a small amount of toiletries that get replaced, or stocked up every time I go to the kitchen. Even in the kitchen I'm secluded from the rest of the inmates that are around knives, or the more dangerously convicted ones. I even have a new mattress pad along with two pillows instead of one. The room was also decorated with a more homey touch; the blankets were all baby blue with matching pillows.

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