Chapter 4 - fighter or a planner?

Start from the beginning

"Give her a break." Jake said, pushing Nick out the way. He stumbled slightly over loosing footing before straightening up and continuing to walk ahead.

"Oh I am so sorry Mr Boss," Nick replied quietly with a smirk plastered on his face, his tone pushing the sarcasm.

"Stop being stupid and have some respect for Autumn,"

"Hey I am not stupid I have a higher IQ than you and plus I have loads of respect for everyone, just not you,"

"Guys Shut up and get moving," Matt said stopping the bickering. He slid between the two boys and they turned away from each other sulking like toddlers. I hid a laugh and smiled at the low level of maturity.

We stepped back into the training room again for about the fourth time already. I had been here for less than a full day and I was already walking round the camp in circles. To say the routes where confusing would be a understatement.

The training room however was large. A huge open space of two levels, with a balcony surrounding the second level. Some of the floor was rubber in the shape of a square, the rest surrounding it being a hard but smoothed over concrete.

"Let's go" Jake pulled me by my arm, weaving in and out of people, pushing his way past them. We were on one side of the training room and it seemed to be we needed to be on the opposite side.
I mumbled a few sorry's as I pushed through the groups. My eyes trailed behind me, looking at where I had come from and being the clumsy person I am, I managed to run face first into someone as I turned back around. I hitched in my breath in shock as I came face first with a solid torso.

"I am so sorry!" I said looking up at the face attached to the body I slammed into. Jake no longer had hold of my arm I realised. It was just me face to face, or torso to face I should say due to my petite height, with this person. A smirk grew across this new guys face as my eyes found his. First thing I noticed was his tanned skin against the dark grey shirt he wore. But what hit me was his striking eyes, a dark emerald green I have never seen before.

"You can run into me any time," he said with a smile and an eyebrow raise. As the dimples grew on his face, I noticed the sharp bone structure of his face. I shook my head quickly realising what he said. I felt a soft blush reach my cheeks.
I recognised him from somewhere.

"Hey stop standing around, Luke wants to show you his new move" said a new voice. The new guy grabbed his friend without seeing me and pulled him away.
"I'll see you around then Autumn," he called back me over his shoulder as he disappeared through the crowd.

My stomach flipped. I recognised him yet couldn't remember why. I felt a squeeze in my chest as I recalled his face and body in my mind. What amount of training must they have done to get bodies like that? He has clearly define muscles under his shirt and I'm surprised I didn't break my face running into his brick wall of a torso.

I don't know how long I have been standing alone, thinking back onto the encounter but I felt a hand grab mine. I instantly straightened, gasped a little, before meeting the familiar face of Jake again.

"We have to stop wasting time and find out what you can do."  Jake snapped, pulling me away from the crowd. "I let go of you for one second and you disappear"
After a quick 30 second speed walk for him and small jog for me, we were back with the group and outside what looked like a room. He pushed me into this room and the others followed.

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