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(Prowl's P.O.V)
I smiled as I looked back to jazz and he kissed my cheek "family ey? I could get used to this." He smirked and I blushed before playfully shoving him. He laughed hard wrapped his arms around my waist just nuzzling me again.

I sigh softly and shook my helm before Megatronus walked over with a small smirk "so ah... Ya getting yer 'fill yet?'" He smirked. I squealed at that and blushed heavily, jazz smirked. "Ya know it" he purred and I squealed before punching him in the chassis and running out of the room. Jazz burst into laughter as did Megs and Orion.

Jazz walked out and saw me sitting down with my helm in my servos. "H-Hay... Bub?" He stuttered softly and sat down next to me. He saw the small tears leaking from my optics and sighed.

"I'm... Sorry" he mumbled and pulled me into his arms but I pushed out of them, if it was something I hated the most it was feeling weak. "J-Just don't worry about it... Stuff I don't want to remember" I mumble softly. He pulls his servos back and places them in his lap slightly awkwardly, I felt bad now.

I looked over to him and gave a small weak smile before kissing him softly, he seemed to have loosened up and kissed back. His servos slid from his lap to grasp behind my helm and my cheek. I giggled a little and brought myself into his lap to keep the kiss going.

I guess he got a little excited and pinned me to the wall before slipping his glossa into my intake. I pant into the kiss and just continued to kiss him back before he got rough and slipped his servos down to stroke my sides. I moaned into the kiss and slid my servos down his chassis, receiving a grunt.

There was a small cough and we both pulled back to see Mega and Orion staring at us, Megs smirking and Orion much the same. I was blushing brighter then the sun and jazz just chuckled.

"So much for his answer"

I growled at that and pushed out of jazz's hold before walking away, definitely set off now.

What don't people get about I'm sensible! I don't do stupid things like that!! Not in public where I could be caught!! OFFLINE ME NOW!!

I screamed at myself as I walked up to a wall and slammed my servos to it before tapping my helm against it gently. I felt the tears come back but this time thicker as my calm collected mood slowly fell away.

At that moment a large looming mech walked up to me, a gladiator in training perhaps. "Hay... Are you okay?" He asked softly and looked to me as I sobbed again the wall. "I'm fucking falling apart!!" I yelled and slammed the wall once more. He squeaked and grabbed my servos carefully before stopping my.

"Hay hay hay, its alright. Just calm down. Let's go get you a drink or something"

I took a deep intake and wiped my optics before nodding. He smiled sweetly at that before leading me away.

We made it to the drink fountain and I lent down to take a small drink. I felt a servo slip around my waist and blushed as I shot up. I looked to him with a questioning look. He chuckled.

"S-Sorry" he stuttered and rubbed the back of his helm "y-y-y-your just... R-Really beautiful". I blushed brightly at that and fumbled for words. He smiled and took my servos in his "like... I want to frag you beautiful"

My spark stopped.

He lent to my audio receptor "which is exactly what I'm going to do" he purred and slinked his servos around my waist. I chocked on air as he yanked me closer but at that moment three police officers tackled the mech to the ground and I fell backwards, shaking like crazy.

Everything was a blurr, sirens blurring, screaming and yelling, I was so weak it wasn't funny. Then all of a sudden his beautiful voice called out to me. I felt two strong arms pick my limp frame up, my optics just offlined and I let them carry me where they were going to. The tears now falling freely.

I was placed down and my helm tilted back "... Ro...l... Pr...o..l... Pro..l... Come back to me. Prowl, please.". I blinked and looked up to him with an almost clueless faceplate. His visor was off and his optics were flooded with tears as he looked down to me and begged me to be okay. I just pushed myself up and cupped his cheek gently "j-jazz? A-Are you c-crying?"

He sobbed once more and wrapped his arms around me tightly "oh thank primus!! You're okay!! I thought he... He... I love you so much!!" He cried out and I looked up to him with shock before wiping his tears away as I pulled him into a huge hug. He just kept crying.

I stroked his helm carefully and mumbled how much I loved him. He just kept sobbing. Eventually it got to the point where he fell asleep in my hold and I sighed, knowing he had finally stopped the water falls.

Megatronus ran over "frag prowl! Are you okay! That mech better not of fragging done anything or I'll kill him!" He growled and picked me up in a hug. I dropped jazz but Orion caught him carefully. I hugged him tightly and he set me down.

"We were so worried. The school went into lockdown as soon as you walked off, apparently a mech was running around school looking for innocent mech's he could... Not the point. All that matters is that you're safe." Orion sighed and handed jazz to Mega before hugging me, I sighed and hugged back.

"He was so worried about you" he mumbled.

"WELL HE DOESNT NEED TO BE!!" I yelled in return before pushing away from him. "IM NOT A SPARKLING!!"

They both sighed and Mega decided to take this one. He left jazz gently and walled over "listen bud, we know you're not a sparkling but that's what people do when they love someone... They care, and worry, and most of all... They never stop"

I sighed and looked away. "Yeah well I'm not used to all of this. I got by with just myself this whole time and now there someone who actually cares.... I'll never be used to it."

They both smiled "Yes you will. You'll both be bonded with sparklings and look back on this moment like it was some funny joke. You'll both be together for ever. I can see it" mega smiled and walked over to Orion and kissed him softly "I know it"

I smiled softly at that "You two are so beautiful... You're both perfect for each other" they laughed "I'd like to think so"

Mega smiled at his mates comment and nuzzled him. I looked over to jazz and kneeled before kissing his cheek "handsome... Time to wake up~"

He didn't move. I sigh.


He shot up and flung himself onto me "what?! Are you okay?! He didn't some back did he?!". I couldn't help but smile, this was just what I needed.

I pinned the mech straight to the wall and kissed him roughly. He was taken back and before he got the chance to do anything I pulled back "I love you more then the energon I need in my veins to live. You ever cry that much again and I'm going to lose my processor and murder some one. Got it?"

His shock slowly turned to a smile and he snuggled into me "yes beautiful" he giggled and I smile before kissing his for helm, having to get onto the tips of my pede's to. I was just happy to have my mech back.

Everything was going to be okay.

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