Breaking Up From Behind

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Somehow, it was easy. We'd had our break-ups in the past, and they were always tortured, so I figured this one would be the same. It wasn't. I expected tears from him, tears from me, and then the shouting and the melodrama, but no. As I said, it was easy.

"We can't keep doing this," I said simply. "I can't."

"It's not fair to you," he agreed.

"It isn't real. You say it is, but it isn't. There's no real world validity to this relationship. As long as you're married, we can never be together the way I'd like."

"And I'll always be married," he said.

"But never to me."

The key to a successful break-up, I realized, was in both parties coming to terms with the end of the relationship before sitting down to have the conversation. We'd both reached our respective terminus points, and we were both ready to say goodbye. That's what made it easy.

"Before you leave," I said, sitting on my bed. What percentage of our relationship had been spent in a bed? It was ridiculous, when I reflected on it. I focused on his outstretched hand, wondering how to ask the question to ensure a positive response. "I think it would be nice to try any of those sexual things we've never done before. We might not get another chance for a time..."

"What sexual things?" he asked, always the innocent.

I don't know why I felt embarrassed saying it. "I've always wondered about anal."

Was it really so taboo? No, it wasn't. Not anymore. And yet, Sehun shook his head side to side and said, "I don't think that's a good idea."

The familiar desire of the femme fatale coursed through my veins, and I saw an image of myself grabbing him and screaming, You're going to fuck my ass and you're going to like it! I suppressed the impulse. That's what I'd always had trouble with, particularly when I was just coming into adulthood: impulse control. But I looked at myself in the mirror and considered my age—not that I was old, but I should at least have acquired some maturity—I knew there were times when I'd have to hold back.

"Not a good idea?" I asked simply.

"I'm afraid I might hurt you," he replied, all concern. "The last thing I want to do is hurt you."

When he placed his hand on my thigh, I ground my teeth together. There was something in his tone that made me feel like he was talking to a child. Nothing angered me more, and this tone of his made me all the happier he would be leaving soon. At the same time, I was all the more driven to achieve my goal prior to his departure.

"I don't know what you're thinking of," I chuckled. "How could you hurt me? It's just sex."

"No, it's different," he explained without explaining. He seemed to search his mind for the proper words. "It's not the same as vaginal sex." Sehun's use of clinical terminology made me feel like a patient rather than a lover. As much as I tried to push her deep down inside me, my inner femme fatale came surging forth. Taking Sehun by the shoulders, she pinned him on the bed and kissed his puzzled lips. I realized I was the one provoking this action, but it seemed somehow outside me. Certainly, I didn't want to act that way. It seemed almost as though I had no say in the matter as the seductive woman who was me stripped off his clothing and sucked his cock. That, he wouldn't have complained about in a million years. In no time, he was hard as a twenty-year-old boy and I couldn't wait to get his cock in my ass... whether he liked it or not.

Reaching into my night table, I pulling out heavy-duty lube, a condom, and a vibrator for the enjoyment of my lovely little clit. When I tore out of my silk negligee, Sehun's eyes glazed over. Good. He was more malleable in that state. I hopped on top of him and straight away sunk my wet pussy down on his cock. He groaned, rolling his head back and forth on the bed. That cock was a good size after I'd sucked it, and I was half tempted to ride it into the sunset. But no. I had to stick to the plan. Turning on my powerful vibe, I pressed it against my clit and my whole body went into spasm. I could see in Sehun's blissful expression how hard my tremulous pussy muscles were working his cock. Perfect opportunity! Bouncing on his belly with wild abandon, I rubbed my bud with the vibe. I could hardly imagine any greater joy, but I released his cock nonetheless and stroked it with my hand. He gurgled and writhed like a puppy getting his tummy scratched as I drew a condom over his desperate cock.

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