"I am already free. This reality, is just a cage of our perception man." 

Finally Seven caught her ankles and se held herself somewhat steady as she started to cut away at the rope, listening to Ten K and Doc talk.

"Doc you're scaring me."

Seven looked up to see three or four zombies headed straight towards her. The rope snapped and Seven fell into the dirt with a thud. She groaned in pain. The zombies were closer. Without thinking, Seven went for her machete. It wasn't there. She sighed in annoyance.

"It's okay kid, I'm just creating my own reality here."

Seven stood up and wobbled to and fro, the first zombie approached her, she tripped it then squatted by its side and piked it with her pocket knife.

"In your reality, is there a Z headed straight our way?" Ten K asked Doc. Seven looked over to see one Z stranded, and roaming towards them, still about ten to twenty metres from them. Seven jumped in shock when four musty hands grabbed her. She struggled against the two zombies and their biting jaws. She then elbowed one's nose and shoved the other with both hands, She grabbed the first zombie and piked it quickly. The other zombie charged at her along with the forth. She ducked and skidded then stoop back up, she punched the one closest to her and stabbed the other's eye. Both still tried to bite her.

"Oh yeah, a but ugly one too." she heard Doc say. Seven panted heavily, then continued to fight off the zombies, another one had joined in on the fun.

"Doesn't that concern you?" Ten K stressed. 


"This is not how I want to die."

"It is not our time to die," Doc droned. 

"Hang on!" Seven called, she looked back at Ten K to see the zombie with the butchers knife in its back, nearing him. She had killed another zombie, but there was still two after her, a hand of one latched onto her shoulder, but Seven was quick in spinning around and stabbing its forehead.

"I think I'm going to pass out." Ten K panted. Seven charged at the last zombie and she tackled it to the ground, puffing and soaking in sweat. She piked it with a battle cry, then she forced herself to stand back up. She looked back to see a hand taking the butchers knife that was sticking out of the zombie's back and piked it. The person disappeared before Seven could see its face.

The zombie dropped to the ground. Ten K looked around wildly. "Where's the zombie?"

"I'm not sure. But I think I killed it." Doc answered.

"How?" Ten K and Seven asked in sync. Seven still stood about ten metres from them, catching her breath and holding a hand to her head. She felt as though she were about to pass out.

Doc shrugged, "Astral projection." Another zombie in the distance growled and hobbled towards them.

"Could you do it again?" Ten K asked. Seven's eyes widened and she shook her head, she walked quickly towards them, stumbling, her head spinning. Doc squeezed his eyes shut and placed his hand on his head. Seven's foot caught a stump sticking out of the ground. She face planted the dirt and sticks, one cut into her cheek. She hissed in pain. 

"I got no idea how I did it the first time." he said. Seven put her hands on either side of her and pushed herself up, her arms trembled.

"Not yet." she whispered to herself. "You can rest later."

"I hate to tell you this kid. But I think the Paoli is wearing off."

Seven was now only a couple metres from them and the zombie. "Hey you ugly, your slips showing!" Doc called to the zombie. 

The Journey Continues - Seven And Ten ThousandWhere stories live. Discover now