Chapter Eight

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Contrary to the popular belief, I do not always have every power ever. I have my water powers: I am still a child of Poseidon, but now I can teleport, breathe in space(more like I don't need to breathe), create mind links to talk through(or just read their minds *whistles innocently*) and destroy them, and I can create planets and other things, change my appearance to an extent (and gender, duh. Did you read the rest of this story?).  I can change other's appearance too, create illusion, I can move things with my mind (to an extent), and sometimes time travel.

My powers, of course depend on how much magic I have depleted...  I can do other stuff too if I have enough saved up using pure magic and bending it to my will, but I don't usually have power over fire or anything like in lots of other fanfictions on Wattpad where I'm the leader of my army.

Yes, I just broke the fourth wall.

Yes, I already knew about it.

Yes, all of these answers are yes.

Yes, I did create the fourth wall.

Anyway, back to the story.

I faked my death with the huntresses. Lots (all) of the huntresses were sad for their Lieutenant's "death." Did I forget to mention that I was the Lieutenant? Because I am.

So I used my timey wimey (Doctor Who haha) powers to go back in time a little bit (also known as a few thousand years).

I visited my parents' graves. But I could tell someone else was entering the graveyard so I placed some flowers on their graves before standing.

I saw a man with blonde hair and blue eyes walking through the graveyard. He looked in my direction and saw me before turning towards me and walking over.

"I've never seen you around here," the man said. "Who were you visiting?"

"My parents. Died in a fire recently. Came to pay my respects," I said.

"You seem to be handling it pretty well," the man observed. "Most, what, nineteen, year old girls would be very upset. Of course, where do stereotypes get anyone?"

"They don't get anyone anywhere," I agreed. "But one, I'm not nineteen, I'm seventeen." (My physical form.) "Two, this isn't the first time I've seen death. Three, I am very upset, probably more upset than you would think. You weren't the only one in wars." I saluted him and stood up straight.

Did I forget to mention that I had been in the army a few times since I created the Earth? It's not like this whole trip where I joined the Huntresses was my first trip here. I was here for a lot of the world's important events.

He looked mildly shocked.

Then I smiled a little and extended my hand. "Hi. Nice to meet you."

"Hi," the man said. "My name is Steve. What is yours?"

"Harmony," I answered. Neither of us gave a last name. "Well, I've got to go. See you around, I guess."

"Yes," Steve replied. "Bye."

I left. After all his time, I was going back to Camp. Oh, Harry Potter. . .

I walked to the pine tree,  but before I walked in, I decided to test something out.

I turned into my male form and walked into camp.




The campers and most of the gods thought I had betrayed them for Gaea and I was exiled.

Meh, it's not like I wanted to stay anyway.


So, here I was, back in my seventeen year old female form.

I went back to the graveyard the next day. Steve was there again. And there were other people with him too.

Steve walked over to me.

"Hi again, Harmony," he said.

"Hey, Steve," I replied.

"I brought some friends," Steve told me. He introduced us all.

"You all," he said to his friends, "this is Harmony. Harmony, this is Tony, Wanda, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, and Thor—"

"Thor?" I asked.

"Yes," Thor thundered(yes, I know it's overused) almost as dramatically as Zeus. "It is I. How are you, P— I mean Harmony?"

I rolled my eyes. "Good. How about you?"

"I am well."

"That's nice," I said. "How's your brother?"

Everyone tensed, except for Thor and me.

"He tried to take over the world," Thor said. I nodded because I already knew that.

"He's in the tower now?" I asked, and Thor nodded. I trailed off in my thoughts before shaking myself out of it and zoning back in. I walked over to Tony, who had been staring along with most everyone else.

I held out my hand, which he instinctively shook. I shook everyone's hand, shaking them out of their shock.

Can I come over tomorrow? I mentally asked Thor. We need to catch up; I've missed so much of your life, grads on grandson. I'd also like to see Loki again.

Of course, he replied. I'll make some Pop Tarts.

Okay, thanks.

We nodded to each other.

I said bye to Steve and his friends before walking off out of the graveyard.

I bet you all want to know how I know Thor. Besides the fact that he's my grandson.

And if you don't, I'm telling you anyway.

I know both Thor and Loki. They don't know that I'm Chaos though; they think that I'm just Percy. They known about the whole thing where I can change from female to male whenever, but they think that Chaos is a male. I don't like how they assume Chaos can't be in the form of a seventeen year old female, but it's better when almost know one knows.

I went to space again (it's nice how I can teleport and breathe in space. Very convenient.)

I decided to take a tiny nap, just because, well, why not?

854 words

Updated 12/16/16

I do not own the Avengers. I wouldn't be sitting around making fanfictions all day if I did.


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