Playing With Chance - Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

"You should be."

I sat down in my math class, and watched as the other students realized what time it was, and started to run through the door.


I spun around in my seat, and came face to face with the, apparently famous, Prick Varulfur.

"What are you doing in this class?"

"They screwed up my schedule for this semester so they had to change it around."

"What did they do?"

"I ended up with two English classes and no math classes. I spent all day yesterday trying to fix it so I never really got to any of my classes. Oh, and for some reason they put me in cheer."

I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing at the image of Prick in a little skirt trying to do a back hand spring.

He just nodded his head like he was expecting that kind of reaction.

"I don't think you have the legs to pull off a miny skirt," I said still letting giggles escape me.

"There is nothing wrong with my legs!"

I don't think he was really offended though because he was smiling while he protested.

"No there isn't anything wrong with your legs. They just wouldn't look good in a skirt. You are too masculine for something like that."

"I hope so. There are a few things about me that just scream male."

Yes there are.....

There was something i was suppose to tell him, wasn't there? What was it?

Oh yeah.

I pulled my phone out, and showed him the text I got from Elliot this morning.

His first response was surprise. His second was to ask how I knew the Varcolacs.

"I don't. Elliot does."

"Who's Elliot?"

"Don't worry about it you'll meet him on Friday."

I had to laugh at the expression that crossed his face. It was a cross between confusion, curiosity, and I think I saw a little hurt in there somewhere.

Don't know where the last one came from, but the rest were pretty amusing.

His expression suddenly brightened considerably, and I had to wonder what was going through his mind.

My laughter died, and I leaned my head back wondering what he was planning. It didn't really help to lean back though. In a few seconds I was in his lap getting tickled.

I screamed for the teacher to help me, but the traitor sat in his chair, and laughed at me.

Even after the bell rang he was willing to start class late before he would save me. Aren't teachers supposed to make sure the kids were nice to each other, and all that crap?

Nope he just sat there, and laughed at me.

Why would he think this was funny anyway?

Last line of defence time.

I looked up at Chance with pleading eyes, and let my lip quiver a little. (A very difficult task since he was still tickling me.)

"Please stop," I said making sure to say it in my most pathetic, I'm a small defenseless girl, voice.

He stopped for a second, and looked in my eyes. I really thought I'd won, but he leaned down close to me, and said, "I'm not going to fall for that," before resuming his torture.

"Not fair!" I screamed dropping my sad eyes to laugh.

"I got news for you sweet heart. Life's not fair."

"But it should be when it comes to tickling!"


I swear he tickled me for a full ten minutes before he stopped, and gave me a grin. I glared at him, and tried to get up from his lap.

For a second he didn't let me. He just stared into my eyes, and I could feel the glare slipping from my face as I studied him.

The teacher cleared his throat causing Prick to loosen his grip so I could get up, and go back to my seat.

"Okay. Now that everyone is settled down, I'm going to start class," The teacher said with amusement.

It would have settled down much quicker if he had saved me when I asked him to, instead of after the torture had ceased to bother me.

Lunch is always amusing. I wonder what Chance has planned to entertain me today.

I sat down at my usual table, and ate my sandwich while I waited for Prick to come, and relieve my boredom.

It didn't take long. After a few minutes he pulled out a chair, and sat down next to me with a thoughtful expression on his face.

I tilted my head to the side with a questioning look on my face.

"I didn't know that people like you could get thoughtful expressions. It makes it seem like there's something going on in that big head of yours."

He looked over to me, and rolled his eyes, "Everyone thinks. I just try to do that when I'm alone, so that people like you don't catch me by surprise, and end up giving me a swirly."

"You think I would give you a swirly?" I shook my head at him, "People have no faith in me."

He looked at me, and raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"What?" I asked with a grin, "I couldn't give you a swirly. You're bigger than me. I couldn't drag you into one of the bathrooms. If it was me, I would do something that requires less time. Like dumping water on your pants, or better yet, writing your name on the back of your shirt with Ice cream."

"How would you manage to write with ice cream?"

"Let's just say I have my ways."

I smiled at the thought. At one of my schools I got pissed at another student, so I brought ice cream to school with me, and took her shirt while she was in gym. I think I ruined that shirt. The cherry ice cream probably stained the word idiot on the back of it. I might have made the word a less kind one, but I thought it might have given it away.

Breaking out of my thoughts of the past I found Prick looking at me with curiosity, weariness, and doubt, "You've done that before haven't you?"

"There is a slight possibility that someone has gotten on my bad side, and ended up with ice cream on their shirt forming the word idiot. That's not important though. It was in the past. Let's focus on the now. What had your thoughts running so fast?"

"I was wondering who Elliot was."

"Ah," I said with a knowing tone, "You want to know what kind of people I know. Why would I tell you who Elliot is though?"

"Because I said please?"

"I don't think I deem that a good enough reason."

He looked at me with his eyes opened wide, and his lower lip quivering slightly.

"I think you need to work on the rest of your body language. Your facial expression is pretty good, but I think it works better if you slouch in your seat, and try to look up at me."

I watched as he made the corrections I suggested.

"Right there," I said when he had made the specifications I gave him with perfection.

He looked at me for a few seconds, and I admired his puppy dog eyes.

When I was done I said, "You know it won't work on me, right? I wouldn't ever give you something that you could use against me."

He sniffled a little, and gave me one more pleading look.

"Nope. Not falling for it."

He sighed in defeat, and picked up his food.

I think I won that round.

Prick gave up, so that means that I win. Right?

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