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I wake up in the morning, still wrapped in Justin's warm arms. It's 8:30. I groan and quietly slip free, without disturbing him. I change into leggings and a sweater, and check my phone. 5 new messages. 

Lilly: Han! Your face is on the cover of every magazine... every one! I miss you like crazy. Please come back! I miss my dance partner.. :(

Lilly is my bestfriend from Canada, but Justin never met her. I have a group of friends at home, not just Allie, who is usually a snotty little bitch so I don't think she counts anymore. I never told Justin, but I've been dancing since I learned to walk. It's like a second nature to me, and Lilly and I take classes for dancing everyday from 9am to 8pm since we're out of highschool. 

Me: Lil! I miss you too! You would b amazed by what these dancers on the tour can do.. but not anything we can't do ;) I promise, i'll be back by December, so in two months, okay? How is everyone up there? 

Lilly: Great! Everyone thinks you and Justin are dating, and they're all asking me! Like I would know... Anyway, ARE YOU?!

Me: NO! We are friends. That's it. Kind of. It's weird because I slept in his bed last night because Chaz took the guest room, and his arms were around me ALL NIGHT. We hug and hold hands and stuff but we haven't confirmed anything. I guess we're in the middle? I LIKE HIM SO MUCH LILLY HELP!

Lilly: Tell him. DUHH gtg Han love ya <3

I sigh and put down my phone as I hear Justin walking into the living room. He flips his hair to the side as he walks towards me, wearing pajama pants. "Hey Han," he says with a smile, sitting on the chair, and takes out his phone. "How'd you sleep?" He asks, looking up from his phone for a second, but back down. "Really well. Thanks again for letting me sleep with you, it was... fun." Fun? Best word I can think of? I'm an idiot. He laughs at me, and I try to play it cool and laugh along, but my face is beat red. "Yeah, I guess it was," He says, laughing, and looks back at his phone. "Justin, can we talk?" I ask, standing up, and he looks confused. "Of course," he says, putting his phone in his pajama pants pocket, and stands up too. 

"What are we? Because I sure as hell know we aren't friends," I say, and he bits his lip. "What do you want to be?" He asks, and I shrug. I can't tell him. "I don't know, what about you?" I ask back, and he looks at the floor shyly, then back at me, and licks his lips quickly. "I want to be yours," he says with a faint smile, and I feel a smile grow on my lips, and he pulls me in, and presses his against mine. Our tongues move in sink. His handson my waist, my arms around his neck. 

"Oh shit," Chaz says, and Justin and I break apart and stare at him. Chaz is standing at the end of the hall, staring at us. "Oh, hey," Justin says cooly, and Chaz waves. "I didn't know that this was going on, score!" He says, high fiving Justin, but Justin basically just stands there, putting no effort into the high five. "It wasn't, until now. When's your flight?" He asks, changing the subject. "1," Chaz answers. "Alright, get changed and we'll drop you off," Justin says, and Chaz returns to his room. "So... this is going on now?" I ask with a smile, and Justin nods. "Yea, I guess it is," he says, and disapears into his room. 

When they are all ready, Justin grabs the keys and we all head out to the car. Chaz sits in the back, while I sit in the passanger, and Justin turns up the radio. "If you like it then you should've put a ring on it," the radio blasts, and Justin smirks. "This song is so old, but it's dope," he says, and I have to agree. I could dance to this song all day. 

Once we get to the airport, we help Chaz carry his stuff inside.

"Bro, I'll see you in like two months, I have a show in toronto, then I have break," Justin says, putting his stuff down.

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