Gabbie: PLEASE LET ME PICK OUT WHAT YOU WEAR TODAY! I will make you look so good!

Liza: Fine. Just be over here soon.

Gabbie: Ok!

*Once Gabbie is at Liza's house*

Gabbie: "Yeah no kidding. You don't have a fashion sense."

Liza: "Wow thanks for hurting me feelings!"

I whipe away a fake tear. Me and Gabbie start laughing.

Gabbie: "Oh my fucking god."

Liza: "What?"

Gabbie pulls out a dress from the back of my cupboard.

Gabbie: "I didn't know you owned anything that in any way would make you look hot!"

Liza: "Rude. Wait what is it?"

Gabbie throws me the dress. I realise that I have had it forever yet I have never worn it.

Gabbie: "Well don't jsut sit there put it on!"

I walk into the bathroom and change into the dress.

I walk into the bathroom and change into the dress

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I come out with the dress on.

Gabbie: "Damn Liza! You look so good in that!"

Liza: "Do you really think I should wear it? I mean it's a bit much!"

Gabbie: "Liza. Please. Do my eyes a favour and wear something good for my birthday!"

Liza: "Ok, ok. But only because it's your birthday."

Gabbie squeals and runs into the bathroom to change into her dress.

Gabbie squeals and runs into the bathroom to change into her dress

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Gabbie comes out in her dress and we start walking down stairs.

Gabbie: "Oh by the way, you have to take your own car."

Liza: "Why?"

Gabbie: "Well I kinda sorta hit a parking sign and the cop told me that I can't have a passenger for a month... oops?"

Liza: "Good job Gabbie. How the hell did you hit a parking sign?"

Gabbie: "If I say I didn't see it, would you believe that?"

Liza: "Well that depends on..."

Gabbie: "Then that's what happened!"

We laugh as we get into out cars. I wave at Gabbie and we drive off.

*Once Liza arrives at Heath's house*

Liza: "Is Gabbie here yet?"

Zane: "No we thought she would be with you."

Liza: "No. She took the highway. I took the main road and got stuck in trafic."

David: "That's weird. She should have been here before you."

We wait for about 30 minutes. During that time, we are all trying to call her. As we are doing this, my phone rings.

Liza: "Guys do you know this number?"

I read it out to them and Erin does on her phone and googles the number.

We all look at Erin and see that she put her hand over my mouth.

Liza: "Erin, what is it?"

Erin: "It's the hospital. Well, it's the emergency."

I answer the phone.

Liza: "Hello?"

Everyone stares at me.

Liza: "Yeah we will be there as soon as we can."

I pull the phone away from my ear and start shaking.

David: "Liza, what did they say?"

Liza: "Gabbie, Gabbie got in a car accident on the way here."

The room goes silent. David walks over to me and hugs me. I was trying not to try but I couldn't stop myself anymore. I started sobbing into David's chest. This coulnd't be happening. But it was. It was happening...

AN: So do you hate me yet?


The Chronicles of my Life: a DIZA fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now