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"Where are you going?" A young blonde called out, jogging towards the front of a bewildered group. "Stormfly!"

The ground rumbled and the trees swayed as more dragons soared into the air, following the herd without hesitation. A goal was to be sought by these winged beasts, the goal being chased almost as if they had a vengeance.

Far off, a boy and his best friend halted in confusion, as they were swarmed by a fleet of dragons. The boy, Hiccup, cried out in surprise as his helmet was knocked from his head, tumbling towards the dark void of the ocean.

Out of natural reflex, the boy's best friend, a dragon named Toothless, dived for the item. He dodged fleeing dragons, giving them no second thought as he became desperate to reach the viking's possession.

"Toothless! Stop!" Hiccup cried out, gripping at the front of the dragon's saddle.

Toothless had to restrain himself from diving into the watery grave, obeying the human's pleas. He looked back at Hiccup with questioning eyes, knowing the helmet was something precious.

"We'll get it later, bud. We need to get back and see what's going on," Hiccup informed his friend. The two turned around, retracing the herd's flight.

Even farther off, a young girl awoke and breathed in the fresh air of a new winter. Luckily, she was shielded from the season's harsh blows on this island, for it was one of the only places in the Archipelago that stayed warm all year round.

Today would be the first day of an exhausting week, and the day that marked a new year.

Maxine, the young girl, climbed out of her small sleeping burrow, and out into the shining sun. Her stomach cried out for food as she raised her arms to stretch, and she quickly shushed it, scolding her stomach for begging. Raye would be here soon with enough nutrients to last the next day.

It took only Maxine a few minutes to start noticing the pent up energy, and she quickly rushed to prepare for the companions that would arrive in no time at all.

First to check on was the hatching pools. Maxine was accountable for making sure babies entered the world peacefully and safe, for they were a hazard to themselves and others.

There were multiple cavities filled with fresh water. Maxine usually used them for drinking water, but today she ignored her thirst as she plunged her hand into one of the holes.

Sure enough, the pools were scalding hot.

Maxine hissed at the temperature, grabbing her hand back. She quickly brightened back up once she realized most everything was set for her guests. She would make sure to get out the fish she had caught for the dragons later.

Suddenly, something shrieked next to Maxine, causing her to yelp and tumble to the rugged ground.

"Raye!" Maxine shouted, glaring at the small, Maroon colored Terrible Terror. Raye squawked once again, cocking her head as if she wasn't sure of what she had done.

The dragon dropped various berries in front of her human, consuming a few for herself. Maxine couldn't stay mad for long, and lovingly scratched Raye on the head.

The two homeless children ate peacefully for a few short minutes, before Maxine spotted a few fast approaching dots in the sky. She smiled softly, bolting to her feet. Raye still had another year before she would find a mate, so the young dragon scurried away where the birthing mothers and protective fathers could not find her.

Maxine skipped to the cliff from which dragons came and went, standing near the edge.

The wind hit against the young viking, threatening to blow her into the Scauldron infested waters.

Every second that passed couldn't arrive fast enough, but Odin seemed to answer Maxine's prayers as the first dragon touched down. She recognized the Timberjack from two years before, and the Timberjack recognized her.

Left without parents, the Timberjack, nicknamed Canon, was not able to be nurtured to a ripe adulthood, leaving her smaller than normal. Canon was just one of many hatchlings left orphaned, whom Maxine raised to the best of her ability.

"Hey, girl," Maxine cooed, petting Canon softly. The Timberjack nuzzled the girl in response, before waddling away with heavy steps. Maxine glowed as she watched a male dragon of the same species follow after Canon. "That's my baby."

Maxine lost count of the dragons, their numbers growing exponentially. A few were a bit hesitant, uncomfortable with the caretaker's prescence.

In no time at all they would gain an amiable attitude towards her.

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