Chapter 3

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Lavi and Kanda ran through the dark hallway, behind them, a giant, crazy robot chased after them, destroying walls along the way. Seeing a light at the end of the hall, they sprinted even faster and burst into one of the old science labs. The Komulin crashed through the wall and slowly turned to face them.

"We are so done for." Lavi whispered to Kanda, as they were backed against a wall, the robot towering above them.

"I thought they got rid of all the idiots robots." Kanda whispered back, currently unable to defend them against the giant robot, as he was still clutching onto the hourglass. The Komulin rolled towards them, it's hands turning into drills.

"Damn it." Kanda hissed as he shoved the hourglass into Lavi's hands and stood in front of him towards the robot. The force of Kanda's shove caused Lavi to fall onto the floor.

"Look after that."

Kanda stood with his arms turned to show the scar like crosses on them. One command entered his mind.

Innocence Activate.

A static humming filled Kanda's ears as his blood poured out of the crosses and formed into a sharp katana. It had been a long time since he has had to activate his innocence, not since the final battle when he fought along side Allen. At that thought, Kanda ran towards the robot in anger. Damning it for making him remember that time. He dodged the swings arms with skill and leaped onto it's back. He swung his sword at the weak spot on it's neck before it could shake him off. The head fell onto the ground and the body collapsed. Kanda jumped down and landed in front of Lavi, his innocence already deactivated. He grabbed the hourglass and walked away, leaving Lavi on the floor.

"Wait where are you going?"

"Away from here."

Lavi got up to follow, but Kanda was already gone.


"What're ya starin at?"

The annoyed tone shook Allen back to reality, as he had in fact found himself staring at the boy.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare." The boy looked away, scowling.

"Anyway, your name's Red right?"

"Yeah, and what of it?"

Allen rubbed the back of his head, just like Neah did earlier, unsure what to say.

"Nothing, sorry."

Neah looked between them in confusion, before clapping his hands to get their attention.

"Now we've had introductions, why don't we get about our ghostly problem boofore something ghoulishly bad happens.

Both Allen and Red looked at Neah with annoyance and slight disgust. Allen lightly hit him on he shoulder.

"Uncle, that was terrible."

Nea held his hand to hit heart like he had just been badly hurt.

"But at least it's true."

"Stop being such a drama queen Uncle."

"Fine, but we seriously have a problem here."


Kanda slumped against his closed door, the agonizing pain in his chest spreading throughout his entire body. He still held onto the hourglass, petals from the lotus falling off one by one, until only a few were left hanging onto the flower limply.

"Damn it, I shouldn't use my innocence anymore."

Kanda looked out of the window, and stared at the sky. The sun slowly rising. It reminded him of that day before the final battle.


Kanda was leaning against a large tree in the forest nearby headquarters, with his eyes closed, enjoying the silence of the woods. Kanda suddenly felt the white-haired teen shift against him and opened his eyes to see Allen peering up at him. He looked like he wanted to say something, but was hesitant about it.

"Whatever you're going to say Moyashi just say it already."

"The names Allen, BaKanda!"

He felt Allen curl up against him, and he wrapped his arms around the skinny teen.

"Don't die, promise."

"Tch, I promise Moyashi."

Allen relaxed against Kanda's chest and whispered quietly to him.

"I promise as well."

They both watched the sun rise above the trees, casting an orange light onto them.

[Flashback End]

Tears formed in his eyes at the memory, but he wiped them away. Allen wouldn't want him crying and he didn't want anyone to see him upset. After all, he was the cold, fearless Kanda.

"Tch, stupid Moyashi not keeping promises."

He closed his eyes and relaxed against the door.

"I don't have much time left."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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