Chapter 2

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A groan echoed throughout the room. On the floor, a pale teen lay, just waking up from a long sleep. Sitting up, he rubbed his head and looked around. Dazed, he stood up and walked to the mirror in the bathroom, only to see no reflection. Crying out in shock, the teen stumbled onto the floor and looked down at his body. It was slightly see through and it flickered, like a flame. Curling up with his arms wrapped around his head, he shook in fear. He was so confused, he remembered dying in Kanda's arms and then darkness. At the thought of his boyfriend, tears started rolling down his cheeks.


Allen looked up and saw his uncle, Neah, staring down at him. The pale teen leaped up and hugged the noah, crying into his shoulder.

"N..Neah, I'm so confused. I..I swear I..I died, d...does that make me a..a ghost?"

The noah hugged Allen back while rubbing his back.

"Calm down nephew, you're going to have a panic attack."

The crying teen looked into his uncle's golden eyes and calmed down.

"You're right, I need to stop, sorry."

Stepping away from Neah, Allen wiped away his tears and gave him a small smile.

"But Neah, how are you even here?"

Rubbing the back of his head in thought, the noah shrugged.

"I guess you dying and coming back as a ghost brought us along as well."

"Wait, what do you mean 'us'?"

Allen heard a rough voice speak up from behind him.

"He means me, ya idiot."

He turned around to see a teen round about his size with rusty red hair, put up in a short ponytail, and stormy grey eyes, glaring at him with his arms crossed. The boy looked exactly how Allen would look if he wasn't cursed.

"What're you starin at?"



The long-haired teen didn't seem to hear Lavi. He was sitting on one of the wooden boxes scattered around the room, holding a large hourglass, which had lotus flower in it. Lavi saw that some of the petals had fallen off and were now resting at the bottom of the glass.

Without warning, Kanda stood up, and walked out the door, tripping Lavi over at the same time. The hourglass rolled out of Kanda's hands and towards some stairs.

"Damn it."

Rushing to rescue hourglass, Kanda managed to kick Lavi in the stomach.

"OW, Yu that hurt."

Picking up the hourglass, Kanda turned to Lavi. who was lying on the floor, clutching his belly in pain.

"Why the hell were you spying on me Usagi?"

"I wasn't, I was just taking a walk and found you in that room."

Lavi didn't tell the angry teen that he heard him sing, that would just get him killed.


Kanda turned and walked away, still holding the hourglass. Lavi scrambled to his feet and ran to his side.

"Wait for me, Yu!"

"Don't called me that or I will cut you with Mugen!"

Ignoring the threat, Lavi span around to face Kanda, while walking backwards.

"I was just wondering why you were in that dark room."

"It's none of your business."

"Come on, tell me."

Before Kanda could reply, Lavi fell over something and crashed to the ground. The noise echoed around the empty halls. Lavi picked himself up and looked at what he tripped over.

"Oh my god."

"What Usagi?"

Lavi grabbed Kanda's arm and started running down the corridor, dragging the swearing swordsman with him. Behind them, something big, dangerous and metal came to life and one, big, blue eye shown in the darkness, lighting up the corridor.

"It's one of Komui's robots!"  

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