The Wedding Disaster

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Aph's POV

*Flash Back*

"Mind your own business potato," Aaron told me. I just wanted to know why Aaron hated me. I mean, I never did anything to him.  I mean, if he was nicer, we could actually be friends.

*Flash Back Over*

"Come on Aph, we are going to be late!" Kaytlen yelled. "Kaytlen~Sama, Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau~Senpai are going as fast as we can!" Kawaii~Chan yelled. We were getting ready for Aarons wedding. He was getting married to Lilly. I was surprised he invited us because we haven't seen him for years. There is someone I have to worry about, though. Lilly. I'm praying to Irene that she forgot all about high school and we can be friends. 

I'm now done getting ready. So is Kaytlen and Kawaii~Chan. Now we can start heading over to the church where the wedding is being held.

*Time Skip*

We made to the church where the wedding was being held. "Here we are." Kaytlen said. We then got out of the car and started heading up to where the guys were. As we were on our way to the front door Lilly came up to me, Kaytlen, and Kawaii~Chan and asked "What are you doing here?" "Aaron~kun invited us." Kawaii~Chan then said. "I thought I told him not to invite you guys." Lilly then says. "You know, this is Aarons wedding too, right." I then said. Man, Lilly doesn't know when to quit. "No, It's my wedding and only mine. I don't even like Aaron really." Lilly then said. "If you don't like Aaron, then why are you marrying him?" I asked. "Umm, well, duh. For his money." Little did she know, Aaron was standing behind her the whole time. 

"I'm sorry Aphmau~Senpai, Kawaii~Chan can't hold it in anymore. AARON~CUN HAS BEEN STANDING BEHIND YOU THIS WHOLE TIME!!! Sorry." "What, you are just pulling my leg aren't you." Lilly then said. I then motioned Lilly to turn around and once she did, she looked as pale as a ghost. "The wedding is off Lilly." Aaron said. "WHAT!?" Lilly shouted. "You heard me." Aaron then said. He then went into the church and told everyone that they wedding was off and told everyone to leave. After that he went to fountain in the back of the church. He sat at the bench next to it and began to tear up. This was the first time I have every seen him cry. I felt bad. I felt like it was my fault. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I shouldn't have even come. As I was walking back to the girls, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Aaron. I was shocked standing there, still in his tux. He looked really handsome. STOP THAT APH! DON'T THINK THAT! "Aaron, I'm sorry. It was my fault. I-" I got cut off. "Don't blame yourself. You just showed me who the real Lilly was. I have to thank you. You stopped me from making the biggest mistake of my life. Well also Kaytlen and Kawaii~Chan." Aaron said.

"Well, your welcome. I guess." I said. I didn't know how to feel. I then caught myself just staring at him. UGH, STOP THAT APH, CONTROL YOURSELF! "Aph, you ok?" Aaron asked me. "Oh...uh...yeah...I'm fine." I said blushing. Kaytlen, and Kawaii~Chan then walk over to where me and Aaron were standing. "Hey, Aaron, we are sorry about what happened." Kaytlen said to Aaron. "Oh, it's fine. Really." Aaron then said. "Hey, Aaron~Cun, you show cone hang out with us. We got nothing planned for today and I bet Aphmau~Senpai would love to catch up with you." I can't believe Kawaii~Chan just said that. Why would she say that. I could tell i was blushing redder than a tomato. "So, you want to come over?" Come on Kaytlen, not you too. "Sure, I would love to come over." At least he wasn't crying anymore. He was actually happy. We then got into the car and since a limo dropped off Aaron, he rode with us.

Hey guys this is my first book. I know it's not that great, but hope you like. Also, comment some suggestions on what the next chapter should be about. Author~Chan out. Bu~bye.

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