Apology accepted - Scorpio (m) and Leo (m)

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Hi guys! Sorry it took so long, I was really busy with school and stuff - but that's not what you came to read.This one shot was requested by @BookBright34. Hope this is what you wanted! Please enjoy!!

     Scorpio's pov

For some people, high school is nothing more than spending time with your friends, trying to make up excuses for not doing your homework, being nervous about tests you didn't study for, and going through the year without worrying too much about the next one. For some people, that indeed pretty much sums it up.

For some people.

Now, I'm not saying I'm not "some people". Sure, I've got my excuses for not doing my homework, and there have definitely been times when my heart was beating out of my chest when taking a test, but hanging around with friends? Nope. Not for me.

You may be thinking: "are you one of those types who just doesn't like being around people too much, or don't you have any friends?". Actually, it's both. It may sound like a pretty good combination – and yes, sometimes, it is. Usually at times when I'm being by myself, with my own thoughts, when I can do whatever I want. But there are also times when I look around, and notice the people who do have friends.

And then, all of a sudden, it's not so much of a good combination anymore.

Not to get deeper into the subject, but somehow there's this one group of people which always manages to get my attention. I don't really know them – well, I know I have one or two classes with this one guy, and I happen to know the names of some of the girls – and even though I have no idea who they are, or what they like, or if I would even want to be friends with them, their group makes me want to have some friends as well.

They did, until the day I decided to follow them after school.

Correction, I didn't really "decide" to follow them. It's... kind of complicated. I'll start at the beginning.

Alright, so a couple of weeks ago, our English teacher had us do an assignment... in pairs. Which is, to me, the most stupid way to do an assignment – in groups is manageable, alone is even more perfect, but in pairs? That's just... awkward. Especially when you have no idea who the person is you're working with. But, just to my luck, I was working with someone I did know. Guess who?

Yep. That one guy who I shared one class with from that one group I was kind of jealous of. Great.

I may have kept some things behind. I indeed did know this guy, even if it was a little. His name is Leo, he's an only child and his parents are apparently very rich. And he sure is so too; or at least, he acts like it. The moment the teacher mentioned our names, we looked at each other, and I could see something in his eyes change from "slightly bored" into "very bored".

He didn't seem to be taking any action, so I took my stuff and sat down next to him. Everyone around us was already working, but Leo was still doing nothing but leaning back in his chair and staring at his textbook. It took me thirty-seven seconds – I counted, it truly is an eternity – to finally build up the courage to introduce myself.

'Eh... I'm Scorpio.'

Leo looked up. He didn't say anything.

'So... how do you think we should get started with this?'

Still nothing. For a few seconds, that is. 'I don't know,' he muttered, before taking a pen from his pencil case and starting to play with it.

I could get further into how little Leo seemed to care about the assignment, but that'd only take up time. Besides, all of the other times we had to work on it went the same: I would suggest something we could do, and Leo would either say he didn't know or he would state he didn't care. Both were equally annoying and it went on until the fifth English lesson after the one when we got the assignment. Because in that fifth lesson, I snapped.

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