Night night - Taurus (m) x Aries (f)

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Yayyy, one shot time begins!!
As requested by @Potterpsycho, this one shot is about Taurus and Aries from The Chaos Flat (it doesn't really matter if you've read it or not). Enjoy!!

     Aries' pov

Do you know those moments when you've just had a terrible day, because a certain tall person had successfully started a food war in the hallway and managed to hit your head with multiple potatoes, and after you'd finally washed up your hyperactive sister is freaking out about the upcoming storm because apparently "ghosts will come free through the thunder and lightning and take over the world"?


Well, welcome to my daily pursuits.

Luckily there are also still moments that calm me, moments which don't include Furface yelling about the potato I threw to her, or Gemini complaining about her fear of ghost and other spirit-things. And this was one of those moments.

Rain and wind were collaborating, trying to tear down this place once again, but if that really was their goal, then they were up for a tough fight. Nothing could bring this place down. Not even rain, wind and lightning combined – in the middle of the night, at half past two, to be precise. Sure, it was getting a little cold and I was getting a little bored of just sitting on my bed, listening to the many drops of water turning our balcony into a swamp again, but I wouldn't have to sit here for long.

What I was waiting for? Well, I could only answer that question if it were "who I was waiting for".

'Sorry it took so long,' a voice said, a voice from the other side of my room. Luckily, this other side was connected to mine by a giant hole in the wall, a hole that'd gotten bigger and bigger over time, so that Taurus only had to bent over a little when he walked through it and smiled. 'Sag needed some comforting. He was scared the building would break down, but after about ten minutes of his whining, Libra finally came back from Virgo's place and started talking to him.'

'Believe me, I know all about it,' I chuckled, but instead of telling him all about Gem's annoying ghost stories, I took his hand and pulled him over to softly peck his nose. 'Speaking of Mister Helpful, Gem and Cap plundered his fridge this morning for supplies for the food fight. I'm pretty sure there's still some good custard left, so...' 'Can't say no to free food,' Taurus chuckled, and after another kiss – only this time on his mouth – he followed me over to the kitchen.

'Just beware of all of the ghosts around,' I stated, whilst trying to climb the counter to reach one of the selves for two bowls, 'they're everywhere in this house, even if only Gem can see them.' 'Actually, I'm really thankful for Gemini living here. It really is kind of an relief that neither I or Libra have to deal with Sag 24/7 anymore,' responded Taurus, and all I could do was try not to make the grin on my face any bigger. 'What, not thankful for me living here?' I joked, and he laughed along as we walked back over to the living room, this time with two bowls filled with custard and a last bit of whipped cream on top. 'You're kinda stepping on my second point there. I was going to sum up an entire list of things of why living next to you guys is – oh.'

I was just about to wonder why he had stopped talking so suddenly – usually I'm the one to not finish my sentences, and that's only because certain people cut me or just simply refuse to listen to my wonderful insults for them – but when I decided to use my sight and turn it over to the living room, I knew why Taurus was silenced. I knew, and I was turned just as quiet.

Gemini was staring at the both of us from the couch, her eyes widened and a grey blanket – which I recognized as Pisces' – wrapped tightly around her. Her mouth was opened – probably because it was ready to welcome the spoon with ice-cream she was holding – but she closed it again when she saw us. However, after a couple of seconds of just staring at each other, she opened her mouth again, which was followed by the words: 'What the heck is Taurus doing over here?'

I could practically hear Taurus' comment about her not talking to him directly – probably something along the lines of "Perhaps Taurus himself would be better fit to answer that question" – but I was faster: 'He just came over to borrow... something. He'll be gone in a minute or so.'

'But I didn't hear the door,' said Gem. The hand that was holding the spoon slowly lowered itself, until the spoon sank back in the ice-cream filled Ben-&-Jerry's carton, while I quickly thought of a response to her statement.

'That's because... he's been here for a while. He's been here almost an hour, actually.'

'But I was up all night,' Gem said again. 'All night. Thanks to the ghosts.' She shivered for a moment, but my mind and mouth had already agreed on a next sentence. 'Actually, I'd left the door open, because I already knew he was coming and I didn't want to keep him waiting at the door, so –'

'Don't you want to know what I'm here for?' Taurus interrupted me. I immediately turned around, giving him the "dude-no-I-got-this" look, but he only gave me the same look back before gazing over to my sister again, who was now looking even more confused than before. 'Why you're here?' she repeated, and Taurus nodded.

'Yes. I'm here for the ghosts.'

Gemini dropped the carton.

'The ghosts?' she repeated, again. 'The ghosts?' I asked as well, frowning at my boyfriend while he, on the other hand, seemed to know what he was doing. 'Yeah. Aries told me there was an invasion here, and I'm here to get them out of this apartment. They were over at ours, too, but they're all gone now.'

'You can make them disappear?' Gem whispered, and Taurus nodded. 'Definitely. But for that to happen, you first need to go back to sleep. Ghosts are attracted by sleepless human beings, so they won't be too much of a bother after you've drifted off.' Gem nodded vaguely, but stood up anyways. 'How are you going to drive them away anyway?' she asked, and I had to be honest, I was just as curious to hear the answer.

Taurus turned to me for an invisible second, winked, then turned back to Gemini with a serious face and only a small smile. 'Cursing in Shakespeare's language should keep them away.'

Honestly, it was the hardest thing to keep my laughter while Gem slowly nodded and walked back to her room – but I couldn't control it any longer when I heard her shout: 'Unhand me, thou puny sheep-biting pignuts! I shan't be overpowered by a bunch of invisible, jive-talking, knotty-pated ugly measles like thee!'

When the door of her room finally slammed close, I could officially let out my laughs and pulled Taurus over to the couch with me. 'This is exactly why we are dating! So that you can keep my sister out of my businesses!' I chuckled, but quickly added: 'And of course, because you used to be a teddy bear in your past life.' 'Giant teddy bear,' Taurus corrected me, smiling brighter than ever. I smiled along, but that was quickly ruined when a yawn escaped my mouth. 'Gee, guess I'm more tired than I thought I was. Honestly, I don't know if I'll be able to keep focused on that movie we wanted to watch. I'll probably fall asleep halfway.'

'That's okay, if you want to sleep, that's fine,' was one of the last things I heard before I realized I was probably even too tired to finish my custard right there and then. The last things I remember from that night were me, laying my head against Taurus' shoulder, the movie that I managed to put on anyway and its soft sounds fading away from my head, and of course Taurus himself, who pulled a blanket over me, kissed my forehead and muttered a soft "night night" into my ear.

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