"Woah!" I echo almost falling off.

I step off the board and prepare myself for getting on the board. As I get on I see the board go down the street flying for underneath me. I almost fall to the floor, but not before I'm grabbed by Zack.

"I'm never going to let you fall" he smirks, his green eyes glistening in the sun.

"Well you might want to get your board before a car hits it" I point down the street.

"Your right" he runs towards the board.

I walk over to Chandler who looks bored as he talks on the phone, hanging up once I get there. "So is Brianna coming?" I ask.

"Yea she's going to come soon" he simply replies.

Just as he says that a white car rounds the corner and parks near us. I watch as a blonde gets out of the car with shoulder length hair, and black makeup. This girl walked over and greeted us "hi I'm Brianna"

"I'm Ashley, and this is Zack" I grab a hold of him once he nears me.

"Nice to meet you two" sweetly she says.

"Yea you too" Zack says becoming uncomfortable with the silence.

Chandler stands up and smiles at all of us "why don't we go catch a movie, Brianna can drive if she wants" he snakes his arm around her.

"I don't see why not" we all say.

We walk to her car, as Zack puts his skateboard into the trunk. Chandler and Brianna are sitting in the front holding hands, and Zack and I are in the back of the car messing around and telling jokes.

"You wanna hear a joke about pizza?" Goofily Zack laughs.

"Sure why not?" I giggle knowing where this was going.

"Never mind it was too CHEESY!" He emphasizes the last word bursting out in laughter.

We both start cracking up just enjoying each others silly jokes and company. "Oh oh I got one!" I smack him playfully.

"What do you call cheese that isn't yours?" I ask

Zack thinks for a moment before answering "is it Nacho Cheese!" He correctly answers.

"How'd you know?!" I ask.

"It's because if I can't have their cheese I guess I'll just have to have their nachos" he remarks goofily.

"Your such a doofus" looking into his smiling face.

"Yea, but I'm your doofus" he retorts grabbing a hold of my hand.

Chandler looks over his shoulder, almost glaring at Zack before covering it up and saying "were here"

Zack and I look at each other and shrug. "What was that all about?" I whisper to him.

"I don't know" he furrows his eyebrows.

We walk through the streets of the town walking up to the movie theatre. "What do you guys wanna watch?" Brianna asks.

Adopted by Andrew LincolnWhere stories live. Discover now