O n e: The Forest

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No one said being a Princess would be easy, but no one said it would be hard either. The forest was calling me, and each day its call got louder, and louder until I couldn't help but answer it's desperate call.

"Go to your damn room, Corrine! It's where you and your nuisance arse belongs!" Nathan yelled, slamming the door of my bedroom hard, then I heard a click. He locked me in.

Hi, my name's Corrine Holloway, I'm the youngest child in the Kingdom of Rosewood, I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters. There are 8 of us put all together, and I'm the one that mostly gets in trouble or locked up in my room all of the time. I've always hated being a Princess, you'd think to be a Princess would be everyone's cup of tea, but really, it isn't. I absolutely hate it and would give anything up to be rid of it.

Yes, I know. I take my life for granted while thousands of others in our kingdom suffer from illnesses, malnutrition, and all other types horrific things. Believe me, I know.

Yes, I do in fact know that, but when you constantly get pushed around by your siblings, yelled at by your tutor, and when you finally stand up for yourself, you get locked away. That could really throw a person over board.

I think the only sibling I ever really get along with is my twin brother Christopher. But since we're seconds apart I'm still classified as the 'youngest' one. The weird thing is, in my family, the pattern that us children were born in goes: William, Diana, Joseph, Victoria, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Christopher, then me, Corrine. It's a strange pattern, the weirdest thing, though, is that except for Chris and me, we're all 2 years apart. Chris and I are both 18 while Elizabeth is 20, and so on and so forth.

Even though Chris and I get along better than any of our other siblings, we still fight quite a lot too. Like this one time, I snuck out of our lessons and when they finally realised I was gone, our tutor tried to stand up to go find me, but I had stuck a bunch of tree sap onto her chair with some leaves beforehand, that was the best part. They spent about 20 minutes trying to get her unstuck from her seat. But eventually they found out that it was me, and Christopher literally sat me down in my room and lectured me for an hour straight before he went back to his room.

Of course, if there's a Kingdom, there's going to be the Kingdom's enemies, and for us right as of now, we have the Healind Kingdom to worry about. As you could probably assume by the name of the Kingdom that they're all about their healers. There's a myth, that around the border between our Kingdom and theirs, that there's a lake around it and that if you're injured and you go into the lake, it'll instantly heal you. It's even been said to heal diseases that have been ravaging among our citizens for years. But it's just a myth, no one's ever proven it to be true so it's been a mystery ever since.

As of right now, I was locked away in my quarters again. The place that I always seemed to get locked up in one way or another. "This just isn't fair. Why do I always have to get locked up every time that twat Nathan decides to get me in trouble? Like every other bloody time."

I sighed, there's no point in sitting here and wallowing in my own self-pity. I'm going to take a trip into the forest, see what else I could get myself into trouble with. I got up off of my bed and walked over to my wardrobe. I stared at all of the dresses in there and shook my head. I can't shoot arrows in a bloody dress. Well, I could. But it makes it harder for me to move around swiftly. Obviously, since I had no choice, I grabbed a dress that my tailors made me a while ago and some chunky boots that I stole from Chris a long time ago.

Once I got dressed in my bathroom, I walked back over to my wardrobe and started moving all of my dresses around until I found what I was looking for; my bow. I got my arrow quiver out as well and headed towards the window. But I stopped in my tracks.

Into The Forest || Harry Styles FanFic|| AU Discontinued Watty's 2017Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora