Once upon of time there was a marshmallow . He was jealous of his friends because they all had princesses as their girlfriends, except him, he was lonely. Everyday he tried to get a girl but he had no luck. Then finally one day he got invited to this ball party and there he saw enter the most beautiful cup of hot chocolate in the world. She had on a beautiful pink dress. Marshmallow  almost fainted, he thought to him self this is my chance to get a girl. So marshmallow wet up to this hot chocolate and asked her do you want to go out with me. and chocolate said yes. so they went on their way. the next day they went out for dinner then a tragedy happened marshmallow fell into chocolate and marshmallow started melting. they had no idea what to do, marsh was melting quickly he had finally found the love of his life and now everything was about to be ruined, but he did it for love. Marsh took the chance and melted for Chocolate. THE END

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