The Sapphire Box

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"I woke up, not sure where I was no cities, no people just me stuck in a dessert. The closest city was hundreds of miles away"

I got up and a horrible pain shot through my right leg. I couldn't stand up. Great. I was stuck in the middle of nowhere, close to dying of thirst, with no food, and possibly a broken leg. I struggled but eventually I was able to get up. It was so hot, I did not know what to do so I picked a direction to walk in and I just walked.

I had a phone but it was useless I couldn't get any signal and it was on 20 percent so pretty, worthless. I walked for three hours and still nothing it was getting late so I slept on the floor, with no protection whatsoever. I barely made it through the night, who knew the hottest place in the day could turn into antarctica during the night.

The next morning I got up and started walking again. After what seemed like an entire week, I spotted something. A small box, with blue trimming around it. I started to run towards it but as soon as I reached out to touch it it teleported away. I screamed "Hey stop" then I realized I was screaming at a box.

I spent about ten minutes trying to catch the box, then I stopped There had to be a better way. I took off my coat and decided to use it as a trap. I spotted the box and casually walked by it with my coat in my hand. Then I pretended to look for the time. At the perfect second I through my coat on the floor and surely it caught the box.

I reached under my coat and grabbed the box. It looked like a priceless antique. It was a gold box with blue trimming and a sapphire in the middle. Now to get it opened it must have a latch somewhere but I couldn't find it. I thought about throwing the box on the ground to see if the lid would somehow open but it seemed to important.

I decide to just keep it with me, who knew maybe it was a good luck charm. I kept walking forward, then I suddenly paused, could I be hearing right. I thought I heard a voice screaming "Anyone" but then it stopped, disappointed I kept walking. About 20 minutes later I heard the voice again but this time it seemed so close. Almost as it were behind me. The voice screamed "Hey you"

I ran towards the person but then stopped, I thought I have never seen this person how do I know they're not gonna kill me. Also my leg was killing me it felt as if it was gonna fall off. Oh well I had no other option but face them. I cautiously walked towards this person.

They told me to follow them so I did. We got to this underground cave house. HE typed in the pin, 2346.

It all looked Hi-Tech everything but how is this possible in the middle of nowhere where were they even getting the electricity. turns out this guy's name was Drake. he works for a company that test it out life-saving equipment. and apparently the Sapphire box that I had was one of them. he told me that they were riding to the secret base and then the car header turbulence and everyone was lost including the sapphire,. he said he was lucky to find me because what was in the sapphire back was Irreplaceable.

he told me that it help with you to possibly ending world hunger. throughout the years he and his crew have invented these pills that you put into the ground about a week later sprouts grow. he was still trying to find the rest of his crew only him and a couple of other guys were found. he asked me how I got here and I told him the story all I remember was that I just woke up in the middle of nowhere no cities no people stuck.

he nodded. well what's your name I told him it was Nash. he burst out laughing. I didn't know it was so funny but then he said well now you are one of the lucky fellows see every once in awhile we find a person wandering out in the middle of nowhere and we bring them to the space let me introduce you to some of them. we walked to a room and there were about 7 people playing ping pong basketball and many other sports. he walked in and said some folks I guess what we have a new member this is Nash. Nash this is Albert Jake Brian Colby Michael Ethan and finally this is Alex . Everyone seems normal but when I saw Alex I couldn't help but open my jaw. he was basically John Cena he was really buff and he had the muscles of a buffalo. Drake then said come on guys making a comfortable he'll be staying with us for a while.

2 weeks later

I'm used to everyone everyone has been nice you're welcome. One Day Drake pulled me aside to his office he told me last you know that Sapphire box that you found well guess what it has helped end world hunger we've sent it to the US government and they have made many copies of it they send it to Africa and many other stages I need help. if it weren't for you we would have never accomplished this dream. that's why president Turk wants to give you a reward will be taking you home tomorrow. the next day a helicopter came by and I said goodbye to everyone.

helicopter took me to LA there I met president Turk. he gave me an honor medal and told me that world hunger has ended because of me. Then I went home well I don't really know what home is what they gave me an apartment to live the rest of my life as a hero.

the end

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