Chapter 3: Naruto Khan

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Need To know
1.)I own nothing except the Oc's
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"

The air was still as the lightning bolt that hit the arena fizzled out to reveal a man with blue lightning eyes and blue and white clothes on with a large Japanese straw hat on both the Konoha and Suna and Sound ninja forces stopped fighting as they stared at the new arrival who raised his head only to stared and narrowed his eyes at the large man with the huge mace and skull mask along with the woman with black and white hair in the pinkish purple out fit the man in the skull mask sneered as he raised his mace to fight while the woman herself got ready "you aren't supposed to be here Shao Khan you lost the mortal kombat last year you aren't supposed to be here" said the lightning man Shao Khan himself just sneered then he smiled as he saw Raiden prepare to throw a bolt of lightning at him he never saw Naruto flying in at him with his whole body looking as if it was on fire with his Kyubbi power Shao Khan grinned he was proud of his son he loved him soon his son would be as strong as him someday maybe soon he would have his own empire but for now he had a lot of things to learn (I'm gonna bring back animal transformations like they did in the old games) Shoa Khan pointed behind raiden only for raiden to blast him with lightning sindle towards Shao Khan to check on him as raiden turned to see a fist hit his face raiden flew and hit the arena wall since they were still chunin exam arena he pulled himself out of the wall and looked at the Prince of out world and he growled "you should be ether dead or a weakling" and Naruto growled as he summoned his maces and pointed them at Raiden "it will take a lot more then your magic to defeat me raiden" and raiden shook his head "I guess I will have to handle you personally then" he said as he took a stance Naruto cracked his own neck as he stood in front of raiden

Naruto vs Raiden

Round 1: Fight

Naruto charged raiden as he swung his maces at the god of thunders chest raiden ducked dodged and blocked as he maneuvered around the Prince Naruto grew tired of this and headbutted him causing raiden to skid back some few inches Naruto then charged and hit raiden in the Chest and then swung his mace to hit the gods shoulders who rolled out of the way and back flipped twice away from Naruto as he then charged lightning in his hands and flew towards Naruto at high speeds unable to block In time he crashed into Naruto with his lightning covered hands as they both flew back Raiden stopped and flipped and landed on the ground as Naruto flew back and landed on the ground he flipped himself up and charged raiden who held out his hand that then became in cased in lightning when the lightning stopped it showed a red bamboo staff he twirled his staff in his hands as he ran at Naruto he blocked a hit on his left and knocked the red bamboo weapon down then he threw his mace up hitting Raiden in the chin dazing him Naruto grabbed him and threw him through the stadium walls as he disappeared in a green flash

Scene change

Raiden landed behind the walls but then he heard a loud growl and he looked up to see a very large and angry nine tailed fox staring at him growling the biju stepped on the thunder God then grabbed him with one paw and through the thunder god at the hokage monument Raiden landed with a loud thud

Hokage Monument

Naruto appeared in a flash of green and he looked to see Raiden getting up and then the god charged and hit Naruto twice with his red bamboo stick once in the stomach and once in the head then he grabbed Naruto and shocked him throwing him back then

Naruto KhanWhere stories live. Discover now