18-It's Okay

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"We've gotten off track," Remus mused that morning as the five of them walked through the hall. "Our scorekeeper stopped keeping score, and I haven't been pranked in da—"

"Sorry, what did you say?" Sirius asked innocently as Remus glared from where he'd walked into an invisible wall. "You haven't been what?"

"Classy," Remus said dryly. "Two points."

"I deserve at least four."


"Two and a half."

"Two and three-quarters."

"Do cease your bickering," Lily said. "It's really quite irritating."

"So what's the score, then?" Remus asked. "Wormtail? I just gave Sirius two and a half points."

"They took that paper and burned it," Peter said sadly. "But I think he and James were about even."

"Let's call it even, then," Sirius said. "Except I'm two and a half points ahead."

"Two hundred and two and a half to two hundred," Peter recited. "Got it."

Sirius snorted, tying back his messy hair. He glanced at Remus quickly, then looked away, trying not to think at all.

James checked the Marauder's Map that he was carrying (which had scandalized and then reluctantly impressed Lily that morning). "That way."

"What are we going to say to them?" Peter was bouncing on the balls of his feet, a sure sign that he was nervous.

"Come on, Wormy, it'll be fine," Sirius said. "You seriously think those Slytherin arsehats are any match for us?"

"No name-calling in front of the children," Lily called, sounding exactly like a bossy Muggle teacher.

"I'll do whatever I—"

"They're coming!" James hissed. "Split!"

Remus hauled Sirius backwards around a corner. They both pulled out their wands, ready to spring into action as soon as James gave the signal.

It didn't come, even as they heard the hiss of chanting Slytherins as they surrounded Peter.

"All hail the Dark Lord...

"All hail the Dark Lord..."

"That's horrifying," Remus breathed.

Sirius half-turned towards Remus, who was clutching the Marauder's Map. He'd wiped it blank, and now stuffed it into his bag. Still, the signal didn't come.

He turned away again, going to peer around the corner.

"Why do you wear your hair up like that?" a soft voice asked.

Remus. Watching him curiously.

Self-consciously, Sirius felt the haphazardly tucked strands. "I guess...it gets it out of my face," he said.

"Wait. Don't ice me out," Remus pleaded. "I'm sorry. About what I said. I was trying to cover for you, and it came out wrong—"

"Cover for me?" Sirius snapped. "Last I checked, Remus, you were the one all over me."


"Don't talk to me about covering for me," Sirius said. "I'm...I was never against telling Prongs."

Remus squinted. "But it wasn't Prongs that asked. It was Lily."

"Same difference." Sirius tried not to turn red. "I'm..."

And the signal hadn't come by that point, so Remus leaned forward and coaxed the elastic out of Sirius's dark waves.

They locked eyes for a minute, before Remus sighed in defeat and leaned forward to bring his lips to Sirius's.

A loud crack startled them apart.


"The signal!" Remus hissed, diving for his fallen wand.

"Oh, shit!" Sirius launched himself into the hall, firing Stunning spells at random. One came within an inch of hitting Lily, and she glowered angrily at him as she shot a hex at one of the Slytherins.

"DUCK!" James bellowed. Sirius and Remus immediately dropped to the floor as a loud explosion echoed through the hall.

The Slytherins dropped to the floor, unconscious. Peter staggered.

"Lets go," Remus suggested.

"James," Lily hissed.

"They deserve it," James said fiercely. "Didn't you hear what they said?"

"Not a lot of it," Remus admitted as they jogged back to Gryffindor Tower.

"They've been trying to manipulate him to join the other side," James spat. "It's disgusting. As if Wormtail would ever betray us."

Peter, looking shaken, didn't join the discussion.


Later, James watched as Sirius and Remus stood up and walked outside the portrait hole, deep in conversation.

He'd seen his friend's hair undone about five minute after he tied it back, and he wouldn't do that for no good reason. Something had happened there, between Sirius and Remus, and reluctant though James was to listen in, he was worried. He said as much to Lily, who looked thoughtful.

"Are either of them in harm's way?" she asked.

"Padfoot might be..."

"But Remus is smart enough not to hurt him," Lily said. "You have to let Sirius figure this out for himself."

"You're right," James mumbled.

"I know." Lily scooted a bit closer and they sat together, warming their socked feet by the fire, listening to the cold wind whistle past the window.


It wasn't as easy as James figured, Sirius thought. He was counting on Lily giving them a few more minutes to talk.

"You need to stop kissing me and then just—" Sirius shook his head. "Reminding me that it's not going to happen. I can't deal with this. Can we pretend it never happened?"

Remus drew in a breath. "Yes," he said. "We can pretend it never happened."

"Good." Sirius was already moving for the Fat Lady, but suddenly found himself encircled in a hug. He closed his eyes briefly, letting Remus hug him, letting his scent wash over him.

"I'm sorry," Remus whispered.

"It's okay," Sirius said.

And by the time they rejoined their friends, it really was.

A Siriusly Good Prank (Marauders/Jily/Wolfstar)Where stories live. Discover now