17-He Meant It

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Sirius propped his feet up on the closest available footrest, which just happened to be...Remus, doing homework on the floor. Oops.

"Do you mind?" Remus complained without looking up. "Astronomy's hard enough without your bony feet on my arse."

"I do mind," Sirius said. "My feet are tired."

"They won't be when I sever them from your ankles."

Sirius removed his feet from Remus. "I'll pass."

"Wise choice."

The portrait-hole swung open and Sirius's head snapped up, hoping for a glimpse of Peter. No luck. It was James and Lily, hands twined together, laughing. James's hair looked like he hadn't brushed it in a year, but Lily didn't seem to care, grinning at him as though he were the funniest thing in the world. The two kissed quickly, walking towards Remus and Sirius in front of the fire.

Sirius cleared his throat. "Excuse me, there are children present, so can we keep this PG?"

Lily glared, swinging her hair in his face as she turned to kiss James again. "Mind your own business, Black."

"He is my business," Sirius said. "We're blood brothers. Animal brothers. Best friends forever. No girls in the club. Sorry, Evans."

Remus sighed. "How was your walk?"

"Brilliant," James grinned. "We ran into Slughorn. He loves Lily, though. Wouldn't give her detention for the world."

"Also," Sirius said, ignoring James's recitation of their evening, "speaking of animals, have you seen Wormtail?"

"Wormtail?" James looked baffled. "You're right, I haven't seen him all day. Or last night, for that matter."

"No, I'm sure he was here last night," Remus said. "His clothes are all strewn around his bed—"

"Yeah, like that's a big change," Sirius muttered.

James snorted. "You're one to talk."

"Yeah, but differently," Remus interrupted. "And his bed had a Wormtail-sized imprint in it in the morning. I'm sure he was there last night, he must have just left before sunrise."

James wiggled his eyebrows. "You think he's off meeting a girl?"

Remus and Sirius exchanged a look.

James narrowed his eyes. "Hold on. What am I missing? You know something I don't."

"We're not talking about it here," Sirius announced. "Not in the middle of the common room."

James aimed a finger at Sirius. "We'll wait till it clears out. But by midnight, you'd better be ready to tell me what's going on."

"Even I'm not sure what they're talking about," Lily said. "What other secrets have you got? Been kissing in corridors lately?"

Sirius went slightly pale. Remus, however, snorted.

"Don't be ridiculous," he said calmly. "Even if I was so inclined, I could do better than Padfoot."

Sirius felt like Remus had just Stunned him right in the chest. Even James looked a little shocked. But then again, James knew. James always knew.

Lily raised an eyebrow. "Alright, then."

Remus rose to his feet, gathering his belongings. "I'm going to turn in early. I'm exhausted."


But Remus was already halfway up the stairs, leaving a trail of crumpled paper behind him.

Lily, opened her mouth, closed it, shook her head, glanced at Sirius. "I'm not even going to ask."

A Siriusly Good Prank (Marauders/Jily/Wolfstar)Where stories live. Discover now