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And that's when my eyes met his.

They were emerald green. How can someone be so perfect ?

Harry smiled at me and said "Bella I love you so much !"

"But Harr-"

"No . Don't interrupt me . I know that we can't be together ! Because society never accepts people for who they are . But don't ruin this moment . Just let me KISS YOU"

I smiled at him . He bend forward and just when our faces were 2.5 inches away from each other

When I walk in the spot , this is what I see
Everybody stops and they staring at me
I got passion in my pants and i ain't afraid to
Show it , show it, show it
I am sexy and I know it
I am sexy and i know it.


Austin my 14 year old brother just shrugged rolling his eyes .

"Why are you so obsessed with ripping or chopping off peoples intestines? I mean all your threats are related to intestines . And they are getting sorta LAME"
"Are not"
"Are too"
"Are not"
"are too"

And that's when my dearest mother decided to make her appearance in the room where her son was gonna be strangled with his intestines by her daughter dearest !

"What is going on here ?" She screamed looking pissed off.

"Mom ! I was just being a good brother and waking my sister up for school ." Austin said a little TOO innocently.
I send him a death glare .

"Well did I ask you to wake me up ?" I snapped.

"No , but you sleep like a pig snoring and doing all sorts of disgusting things " he said shivering "and we don't want you getting late for school and missing the bus do we now ?"

That Brat !

"Yeah don't bother being so concerned about me . And also mom what are you doing here ?"

She raised her eyebrow.

"Where else do you expect me to be ?"

"Oh I just thought you would be busy so.."

"Busy doing what ?" She said looking completely confused.

" oh I don't know ..Planning your sons funeral !"

And with that I flung on my brother.

The next few minutes were basically me and my brother fighting with each other . Which was basically us screaming insults as we harmlessly hit each other.

"STOP right there !" My mom said looking completely annoyed.

"How do you manage to pick a fight ? Especially when it's so early in the morning ?"

"We manage"

Both me and my brother say at the same time then glared at each other !

My mom rolls her eyes , sighs and leaves the room muttering something about how she has given up.

"Austin get your ass out of my room !"

He rolls his eyes .

"Yeah yeah whatever ."

And then gets the hell out of my room.

Ugh why did he wake me up ? Why are brothers so annoying. And he just had to wake me up at the part when Harry was finally gonna kiss me . And that too with a LMFAO song. Like no offence but people don't usually like getting woken up like this !

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