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Three years ago.

"Who's out there?!" I heard my mother question from our kitchen window.

I had noticed, a few moments beforehand that there was a tall dark figure lurking towards the edges of our garden.

"It's me, Mrs Tower?" His raspy low voice sent chills down my back.

"Sorry!-" my mother rushed out "-we heard some noise's and didn't know what it was, I don't know why we didn't think of you." She faked a laugh "what are you doing out so late?" She questioned again.

"I'm just preparing some food for tomorrow, if that's not a problem, Mrs Tow-" "no, no not a problem were just on our way to bed. Goodnight Zion!" My mother cut him off before hastily shutting and locking our kitchen window.

"It's just the gardener" my mother breathed a sigh of relief as she walked past me standing by the doorway.

'The gardeners' name was Zion. He also lived next door. He's been working for us for about three weeks now. And I've still not been formally introduced. My dad and him have hit it off with flying colours but mums cautious about him. And me? I have the worlds biggest crush on him.

"I'm going to go say hi" I mumbled still shocked by how his voice had affected me.

"Hurry up its late and you have school tomorrow!" She snapped climbing the stairs to the second fool.

"Okay" I hummed as I walked towards the glass back door.

I was wearing one of my dad's old T-shirts from before he started going to the gym. It would be baggy on him so I was swimming in it, one of the sleeves had almost fallen to expose an indecent amount flesh before I caught it mid-fall. I had just come out of the shower so my skin was free of makeup and my hair was turning to a puffball. Grabbing the hair bobble from around my wrist I tied it into a quick messy bun at the top of my head and looking out of the window again only this time I saw that someone, who was now identified as Zion, was standing almost directly outside of the window.

In the short amount of time it took to tie my hair I had crossed the kitchen and was standing in front of the back door, he had moved as well and the light from the kitchen illuminated his skin giving an almost golden glow.

This is it, I thought, I'm finally going to talk to him!

Placing my hand on the door handle I started to apply the pressure but suddenly he moved, turning in my direction. His eyes locked straight onto mine. I was frozen in place. I couldn't move. Suddenly struck with fear.

What do I do? Should I just turn around and go back, just go to bed and forget this happened? Or do I just go say hi then leave? What if he thinks I'm weird? He'll think I'm a loser... an Idiot.

I had been so lost in thought about what I should or shouldn't have done I hadn't realised he had moved, let alone walk up to the door. Standing a few feet in front of the door.

I have to open it now, I don't want to be impolite, I thought as I finished applying the pressure to the handle and dragging it across to create a space big enough for me to fit through.

We stood in silence a few moments before he cracked a smile and spoke.

"Hi, sorry I saw you standing there for a while and didn't know if something was wrong" he lifted a hand a moved a few of his loose dreadlocks away from his face, giving me a clear view.

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