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Sekai no Hate (The End of the World)

Azusa was bullied to the point where she begged her parents to move. At her new school, she's asked out by the most popular guy, Kasuga-kun. Afraid of being bullied again, she agrees. He gives her a hairpin as his "mark." But she finds herself falling in love with Kawaguchi-kun and his strength. Kawaguchi-kun is bullied like Azusa was and he does nothing to prevent it. He likes trains and writing make believe trips about them. He gives Azusa hope that she might finally break free from her past and find true love, but Kasuga-kun stares at her possessively with murderous eyes...

I think this one is available only through manga form. It's really a page turner though and if you want a quick read this romance is for you! It is not inappropriate but it is not for all ages due to Kasuga-kun forcibly kissing Azusa and he's kind of creepy.


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