"Would you like to go outside?"

"No." He sighed, and looked around him. He obviously felt awkward. He stood up, and told me he'd be right back. He disappeared into some room, that I was guessing was probably his.

He walked in with a tiny little box in his hand, a ribbon on the top. He sat down at the table, and slid the box my way. I looked at it, confused at this tiny box.

"What's this?"

"It's an early birthday present. From me." My eyes went wide.

"What day is it?"

"December 9th." My birthday's tomorrow already? Thanksgiving passed? John got me a birthday present...this was all strange. It felt like my birthday shouldn't be coming already. Christmas is probably coming too.

"How'd you know it was my birthday tomorrow?"

"Your files. I was looking at them the other day, and I saw your birthday. So, I went out and got you something." He didn't have to. What could I even use in this place? What could be so tiny that I could use? "Open it."

I slowly untied the ribbon, leaving only the wrapping paper. As I slowly unwrapped the paper, I was left with a small box. I was afraid too look inside, afraid of what I'd find. I placed my shaky hand on the box, and lifted it up. It revealed a small electronic device. An MP3 player. It was small, touch screen it looked like.

"You...you got me an MP3 player?" He nodded.

"I thought, whenever you're sad or feeling down, you could listen to songs. There's a little app thing on there, and you can click it and get any song. No money needed." I was shocked. I turned on the little device. I could get any song I wanted, and listen to it. This was the perfect gift.

"You didn't have to do this."

"Yes I did. I never help you. I never help you escape or anything. I always ask how you feel, and you're just getting worse. I just thought...music always helps people right?" I nodded. It always helped me. Headphones were in the box too.

"What if Guy or Rob see this?" He shrugged.

"Hide it. They do always knock. Then they have to unlock the door, so you have some time." That wasn't assuring enough. But it was still amazing too have this.

I clicked the little app, and saw a file. Only one. "What's this?"

"You're first song." I smiled.

"Thank you so much, John."

"No, thank you. I just wish I could help you more." I nodded. I wish so too.

"I'm going to go back to my room." He nodded, as I grabbed the box and went into my room. I knew Guy and Rob would be out for awhile, and I closed the door behind me.

I quickly made my bed, and grabbed my MP3 player. I plugged in the headphones, and put them in my ears. I clicked the app, and looked at the file. I wonder what this song is. I clicked it, and heard music build up.

"A hundred days have made me older,

Since the last time that I saw your pretty face."

It was "Here Without You" by 3 Doors Down. I always knew this song, and I always loved it. I would sing it with Charlie, but I never really listened to the lyrics. Soon the chorus came.

"I'm here without you baby

But your still on my lonely mind

I think about you baby

And I dream about you all the time

I'm here without you baby

But you're still with me in my dreams

And tonight

It's only you and me."


I continued listening to the song, as all I thought about was Louis. Everything related, everything. Soon I kept clicking the replay button over and over again. John picked this song on purpose. He knew how much it related to Louis and I. How we felt, how much we craved and missed each other. How he would do anything for me.

And for the first time in 3 days, I cried.

Louis's POV:

I finished my sandwich at the lunch table, and looked at my phone. I'd better go now. Charlie looked up at me as I stood up from the chair.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to go see the guidance counselor...don't ask." She looked like she already had a pretty good idea of why, and we said our goodbyes.

I exited the lunch room, and roamed throughout the halls. I tried to follow the secretary in the office's directions to get here. No one ever went to the guidance counselor. We could all solve our own problems, this wasn't elementary school.

I was already prepared to get mad at whoever the guidance counselor even was. You never even saw the guy! My headache had gone away, and I felt a little better for it being a Tuesday morning. I was already ready for the worst tomorrow. I probably wouldn't show up for school.

It was her birthday tomorrow. A day I should be celebrating with her, not those idiotic assholes at wherever the hell she is. I was prepared to break down worse than ever, and smash something. My mum said she was going to take off tomorrow to make sure I didn't hurt myself.

Ally was going to have the worst day tomorrow. She was going to spend her 17th birthday in pain and sorrow, away from who she loves. That was the worst about this all.

I walked throughout the halls more, until I found a closed door that said "Guidance Counselor" in big letters. Laughed at this shit room. It looked like a goddam janitor's closet. I knocked on the door, and heard loud shuffling of the feet.

The door swung open, and a short man stood at the door. He had a beard, and a stern look on his face. I couldn't stop laughing at his features. He was so short, yet he looked so mad. What a great guidance counselor. His stern look cleared up a bit, and he tried to give me a smile.

"Louis, right?"

"Right." He led me in, and I sat down on a chair. He sat down on his chair, and rolled over to me on it. He held out his hand. I shook it. Weird.

"I'm Mr. Rivera. But you can call me Guy."

Well then...we have another plot twist. What do you think of John's action? What do you think about the "guidance counselor"? Comment and vote! <3

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