M O R E T A G S.

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Annnnndddd we're back with another 13 facts tag... thingy... yeah. FireDragon4ever tagged me this time.

1. I'm going to have to watch the next ep of YOI at the airport, since I'm leaving the house at 9:30 Wednesday morning, and the episode comes out at 2:00 the same day... ._.

2. My favorite childhood memory is waking up early in the morning to play computer games with my older brother... This was when I was about 4-5 years old, and he doesn't even talk to me anymore... :(

3. I haven't even finished packing for my trip... w h o o p s .


5. One of my favorite foods is beef jerky.

6. I am currently stressed.

7. And tired. Sigh.

8. I hate cooked bell peppers.

9. I have cat decals on the walls of my room.

10. My room is so cold at the moment wtf.

11. I'm broke.

12. I'm not really an interesting person.

13. I don't do well under pressure.

Okie so I tag everyone. Sorry, I'm just really tired and I don't really have the energy to do anything rn... also I need to finish packing... and I also have math hw... sigh.

Wish me luck.


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