Rant Thing

33 5 12

I just need to rant, ok.

I was interested in this guy. He's rly funny and all that good stuff. Today we were talking and he was like "Feminism is stupid" and I was all like "whOt?????" I also found out that he supports Donald Trump (I honestly support no one in particular cos im not really into politics but i would muCH rather have Hillary run the country than Trump.) smh.

alSO OK MY LOCKER NEighbor is like, this super popular girl that i don't know very well (cos I sorta just keep to myself and try not to associate with them whoops) and she keeps a 3 oz bottle of perfume in her locker, and whenever she's at her locker (which JUST SO HAPPENS to be when I'm at my locker) she sprays, I kid you not, like five spritzes and im just like bOI?????? She's almost out and school started literally a month ago. So now my locker, her locker, and all the other ones within a ten foot radius smells like Bath and Body Works Apple Champagne body spray.

i'm such a goody two shoes. writing this makes me feel guilty and IDK WHY.

OH AND ALSO WE HAve so much homework and tests coming up, I'm convinced that our teachers specifically plan out when to assign us a shit ton of work. Yesterday we had like nothing and today we have a bunch from all of our classes?????

I mentioned in my Handwriting thingy that I'm learning the dance to the song DOPE by BTS and its frEAKING HARD LIKE?????? HOW DO PEOPLE EVEN?????? Guess it doesn't help that I'm fat af lmao.

ON THE PLUS SIDE i just bought a bunch of manga, and I'm excited even tho im broke now. Welp.

Also i'm trash. K bye.


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