Jimin froze.

"As a Demon it is my job to wreak havoc amongst the mortals."

"But there is a limit!" Namjoon shouted, eyes glowing a dangerous red. The fluorescent color didn't faze the now fuming Jimin.

"It's because of that damned Seokjin, isn't it?!"

Namjoon tensed, before he could fire back Yoongi spoke up.

"No matter what rank you are, you are not higher than Namjoon. Your disrespectful and irresponsible actions recently have now proved the reasoning for Namjoon to release you. Leave now or face punishment."

I gulped and looked at Jimin helplessly,

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Jimin scoffed.

"I am Min Yoongi. 2nd rank. Highest ranked Demon who bows down to the rightful ruler, Kim Namjoon. I am not to be tested."

Jimin wasn't backing down which caused Yoongi to then grin, "I've always been Namjoon's go to. Stop flattering yourself. You were my puppet. I was the faceless number 2, Hoseok coming in 3rd. You're useless and were only good for claiming my rightful title."

Jimin looked at Namjoon, hurt flashing through his orbs. I stood silently, wanting to get out of this situation as soon as possible.

"I curse you." Jimin seethed at Yoongi, then setting his glare upon Namjoon, "Namjoon isn't the highest rank. He falls weak to the almighty God above, Seokjin. The only puppet here is Namjoon. A puppet to the good Lord."

Namjoon lunged forward but I stepped in front of Jimin.

"Jimin, take your exit."


"Leave. You are no longer loyal, you are no longer trustworthy."

I saw the visible heartbreak within him.

"You disrespected our powerful leader, and for that I want to see no more of you."

Jimin stumbled back, tears forming as he reached for me. I stepped away. Jaw locked and eyes casted ahead.

"I'll be back for you. I'll be back for my place. I'll be back for vengeance."

Jimin disappeared and I quickly wiped the lone tear strolling down my cheek.

Yoongi came up and patted my shoulder, "Namjoon was right about you. You're a keeper."

My heart fluttered at that.

Yoongi wasn't all that bad. I could learn to replace Jimin with Yoongi as my new friend.

My eyes hazily opened, my surroundings coming into focus as I groaned while standing up. The only thing to be seen was the chair Jimin once sat in and the restraints flung across the flooring. Nothing else was seen. I was alone. Jimin was gone and Yoongi was no where to be found.

"I'm coming for you Yoongi, he won't win. No unloyal Demon shall win, as 3rd rank I vow to that." I seethed to the open room. Planning my attack.

Jimin will be no more.

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