That really late Halloween one- for shadow_dancer666

Start from the beginning

I grabbed my bag off it's hook and hurriedly pushed through the crowd, muttering apologetic words. I couldn't help but hold my stomach as I jogged after my friends. It was beginning to hurt more and it was kind of flipping around a bit. I wasn't one hundred percent sure what was going on anymore.

One time I accidentally forgot to eat breakfast and I had to wait for morning tea to eat, and I was so hungry but my tummy hadn't felt like this.

Maybe I was sick, like Harry was that time last year. I really hoped not, he coughed and vomited all over our desk and it smelled really bad. He was crying too, so it must've hurt him. I haven't been sick like that before, I'd been told how lucky I was multiple times.

Liam pretty much gave a presentation about the vampire costume in his bag, excited about the fact that his Mum had actually let him wear a scary costume this year instead of Prince Charming or whatever else he had worn over the years. Niall's Mum was waiting in her car like Niall had said she would be, and she smiled and waved, greeting with a happy 'hello, how was school boys?' as we all piled into her car.

 Harry grinned, "long."

Niall's Mum laughed and started the engine, "better get you lot back to the house then so you can start getting ready before you explode from excitement."

The car ride didn't sit very well with me. It was barely ten minutes long, but for some reason my stomach was having a hard time settling as we drove along the road. Every little stone made my insides toss themselves around.

I wondered if I should tell Niall's Mum. My Mum always said that I should tell someone if I wasn't feeling well and to be honest I was starting to not feel very well at all. Along with the spinning around my stomach was doing, I was feeling cold while everyone else was complaining about the heat and for some reason my hands were shaking a little, and I couldn't stop them.

I opened my mouth to say something but decided against it at the last second. If I was sick like Harry then I wouldn't be able to go trick or treating. Harry didn't come to school for the rest of the week after he threw up on our desk.

I couldn't miss out on trick or treating. Everyone would be talking about it for the rest of the month and I'd be left out of all the conversations. Plus, I needed the lollies to get me through the rest of the year until Christmas.

Niall's Mum stopped the car outside the house and I opened the door and got out. Everybody ended up falling out of the same door and I followed them through the front door and straight up to Niall's room. I was glad we didn't stop for food.

It took us half an hour to get all dressed up, and then Niall's Mum took what must've been at least five hundred photos. My spider man costume was kind of tight, considering that it was the same thing I'd worn last year, but now the constricting material was doing nothing to help the constant swirling happening in my stomach and having the fabric on my face made me feel worse for some reason, like I was being suffocated.

But nonetheless, I was still excited.

We headed out after the photos and straight away started the quarter of an hour trek to Taper's. Harry complained the way and Niall and Liam had a good laugh at him. I tried joining in and acting like myself but it was harder than I thought it would be. I was just so exhausted, like I was about to fall asleep on my feet and as much as I hated to admit it, I felt sick.

After spending forty minutes walking up and down Taper's street even Harry had to admit that it had been totally worth it. All of our bags were over flowing, we didn't even really need to go to the other houses. Nobody wanted to stop yet though, and I didn't want to be a buzzkill so we stopped at the majority of the house on the left side of the road on our walk back to Niall's street.

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