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After 30 minutes of driving around and talking about our music Matt suggests we go to the mall. "Hey guys, I think we should go to the mall." It seemed like this was the only thing anyone could come up with. Another good one would've been to go to a pet shelter and play with all the puppies and kitties.
George drove us to the mall. He tried to find the closest parking spot so we wouldn't have to walk so much. The closest one he could find was about 10 parking spots away from the doors. We all exited the SUV and made our way to the entrance. It was quite sunny outside. The sky was clear and a light blue with a few white fluffy clouds. The sun was very bright and it's rays felt warm against my bare skin.
   The doors automatically slid open and I felt the sudden breeze of the cool air inside. The sudden smell of new clothes, perfume/cologne, and food hit me. It was a bit loud since there was a lot of people here but that wasn't going to stop me from having fun with the guys. One of the very first clothing items you'd see as you entered were bathing suits. It made sense since it was summer and it was a bit hot outside. Hot enough for a fun trip to the beach. "There's so many hot babes here." Jordan had been eyeing many young women shopping for bikinis with their friends. "I guess, but they aren't as hot as my girl." George had been dating this chick named Asia for quite a while now. I swear he's going to propose to her any day now.
"Hey Danny, I think that chick over there in red likes you~" Dylan pointed to the girl standing by the fitting rooms. She had umber, dark yellow-brown hair, that reached down to her hips. Her smile revealed her dimples on each side of her rosy cheeks. It looked as if she had smooth, tawny skin. She wore a white Nike tank, blue capris, and a pair of white adidas. Her makeup was a bit heavy yet light. She had simple winged eyeliner, her skin seemed a bit clear. I couldn't tell if she was wearing concealer to cover up her acne or if she just took very good care of her skin, making sure it was perfectly clear. She wore a light bubblegum pink lipstick. From where I was standing I could tell she had brown eyes. She had quite the nice figure, not too skinny yet not too big.
"So, what do you think of her? If she's not for you I'd be more than happy to make her mine (;" Dylan was planning on flirting with her if she wasn't my type. "I don't know man, I think I'm gonna try to get her number and ask her out on a date later." Dylan's little smirk faded away when I said that. Oh well. But I had a feeling that something was trying to tell me no girl would be right for me. I've had a few troubles a few years back with some ladies. "Alright but any time you get tired of her give me a call ok." I motioned for the guys to go on and meet me by the large fountain in the main hall. As the 5 of them left I made my way towards the girl and introduced myself. "Hey, I'm Danny and I noticed you were staring at me a few minutes ago." I tried to make a conversation with her before getting her number. It's best to get to know her first. "Oh yea um, sorry about that. It's just, I noticed you were kinda cute and I couldn't get my eyes off of you." She blushed and looked down at the floor. Now that I was closer to her, I could see her lovely features better. She had such beautiful brown eyes. The eyeliner she wore really brought them out more. She had naturally thick eyebrows, as much as I wanted to ask if they were real I didn't. "You have very lovely eyes." "Thank you." The conversation carried on from there. First we talked about what stuff we like to do and what we did on a daily basis. She was quite interesting. "Bernice come here! I found this amazing red dress, I think you'll like it!" Our conversation was interrupted by her annoyingly looking friend shouting about some dress. "Sorry but I have to go. It was nice meeting you Danny." She took out a black pen from her white backpack and grabbed my arm gently. She was scribbling something on my skin. The feeling of the pen going along my skin tickled a bit. After the few scribbles she smiled at me and walked off to her friend. I looked at my arm and saw some numbers. "9720813258." I'm guessing this was her number.
I went out of the perfume infested store and into the main hall. There I saw the guys waiting for me by the large fountain. "Hey guys, guess what I got." I showed them the numbers on my arm. "Wow you actually got her number!" Matt seemed a bit surprised about this. "Yea I did. And it wasn't that hard actually." We started walking around for a bit, trying to find something good to do in this mall. There was a pizza place nearby and we all went in to get some. We ordered one pepperoni and one cheese pizza. We hung out for a bit in there till we realized it was getting a bit late. "Wow we haven't even done much and it's already 5pm." We had arrived at the mall somewhere around 2 or 3 and all we did was check out some babes and eat pizza. That's a good waste of time I guess. We ended up leaving the place before it got anymore late. It took a few hours to get back home since we lived about 2 hours away from this place. I was the first to be dropped off at my apartment. "Alright guys thanks for the ride home, I'll talk to y'all later." I unlocked the door to my apartment and entered. I really didn't have much to do anymore so I just made my way to the couch and turned on the tv. I surfed through some channels until I noticed nothing good was on other than "Frozen." I wasn't a big fan of kids movies but it was the best thing on tv right now. 30 minutes into this movie and I was hooked. Who knew I would actually like this.
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Yay I finally finished this "chapter." 🎉
After I publish this I'll start on the 3rd one. This one probably wasn't the best but keep in mind that I am new at this writing stuff so yea. Anyways Happy (late) Holidays! c:

I probably misspelled something

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