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It's great being in a new band now. I feel kinda bad for taking that one guy's spot. I think his name was either Deuce or Duke? I'm not sure. But all I know is that he was being a real douchebag. Maybe that was his name, Douche. I've only been in this band for about 2 weeks and I'm already enjoying it so much. Everyone is so nice to me.
I've grown so close to one of the members in this band, Jorel Decker. He's like my best friend. He knows so much about me and always knows when something isn't right.
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I felt my phone vibrating in pocket. I reached in and took it out to see that I received a text from Jorel.
Jorel🐶: Hey dude, me and the guys were wondering if you wanted to hang out or something ?

Danny🦁: Sure. Where should I meet you guys ?

Jorel🐶: Don't worry about meeting us anywhere, we're gonna pick you up at your place :)

Danny🦁: Oh ok, I'll see you guys here then. What time will you be picking me up ?

Jorel🐶: Maybe in like a few minutes. But we'll be there soon so get ready.

Danny🦁: Ok, see you then !

I quickly put my phone away and went straight to my room. I opened my closet and searched for something to wear. I decided on a simple black Dead Cultoure shirt and some grey pants. I looked through the top drawer on my dresser, and grabbed some simple black socks. I grabbed my black vans and put them on quickly and tied my shoe laces so I wouldn't trip. I quickly made my way to the living room and waited for my new friends to pick me up. My stomach started growling a lot. I felt as if it was going to bite me and use me as food. I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple as a quick snack. As soon as I was about to take a nice, big bite out of that juicy red apple, I heard loud honking coming from outside.
I put the apple on the table and went to the window. I looked out and saw the guys were parked in my driveway. I grabbed my phone and exited the apartment, making sure I locked the door.
I walked to the grey SUV. George was in the driver's seat and Matt was riding shotgun. Dylan and Jordan were seated in the very back seats. Jorel sat on the left seat in the middle section seats."Hey man, I saved you a seat next to me." Jorel motioned to the seat on the right side of him. I got in, sat, and buckled my seatbelt, safety first. Dyaln pulled out of the driveway, "Everyone has their seat belts on right ?" After that we were on the road and off to wherever we were going. We weren't sure yet but we thought maybe just drive around for a bit till we knew exactly where we wanted to go.

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O K  !
I think I finally did it wow. It took me so long to do this haha. Ok well umm idk. There's more to this of course but u know, I just kinda felt like publishing this now c:
Ok hopefully u enjoyed my first writing thingy ? .-. Idk
And thanks to those of you that came from the other account ❤️

The new member (Derillo/Danny X Jorel)Where stories live. Discover now