I grabbed hold of the tree-trunk, and my claws popped out. without further ado, I began to scale it, climbing until i sat on the branch directly below her. I grabbed her foot, and she lot out a scream that nearly ruptured my eardrums. She startd kicking out her foot, flailing and trying to dislodge my grip. It was only when she started this that I realized my wolf had abandoned me to deal with her myself.

"Coward." I hissed.

Cat froze.

"Excuse me?"

Just like a woman-getting insulted at the absolute worst moment. But if it worked to my advantage, what do i care?

"You're being a coward-running like this."

Instead of snarling at me, or attacking, she blew out a breath and replied,

"You're right."

"What? I mean, of course."

Confusion drew my brows together. Why was she acting this way? Knowing what I know of Cat, I was expecting her to clobber me. But she wasn't moving from her perch, and we were basically having a heart-to-heart sitting in a tree with the Mating Heat burning through me. Today was turning out to be very strange.

"Did you know, when I came here, I promised myself that I wouldn't run, no matter what happened?" she whispered.

Though I could barely sit comfortably with the erection I was sporting, I couldn't resist this chance to learn more about my mate.

God help me.

"What made you promise that?" I asked.

I heard a bitter laugh.

"Stupidity. Pride. Pride goes before a fall, I suppose."

"Why would you feel that you needed to promise that? Why did you run the first time?"

"I...it's personal."

I nearly growled in frustration; I felt like I needed a crowbar to pry the answers from her.

"So personal that you can't even tell your mate?" I said instead.

Grant me strength.

"I don't even know you, really! I don't know what your favorite color is, I don't know what music you like, I don't know how you like your coffee in the morning; hell, I don't even know if you like coffee. All I know is, you think you have rights to me, just because I live in your town. But you don't, because I'm my own Alpha. Look, I know the Mating Dance is hard on you, but Ican'tgothroughwithit." The words were rushed, the last few so much so that I could barely make out what she said.

"It's just sex." I replied.

"It isn't just sex! It never will be! Not with you." she burst out.

I surpressed my grin.

Save me from the claws of a wolf.

"Wh...what I meant to say is...you are the type of guy to assume that a night of sex equals a lifetime commitment. I'm not that girl! Okay?"

"What if I said I will accept just sex?"

Puh-lease. As if I would let my mate-and such a perfect one, at that-leave just because she has issues about commitment. But for the moment, she didn't need to know that.

"Are you serious?" she gasped.

Hook, line, and sinker.

"Of course. Whatever you want."

Nudge nudge, wink wink.

"How do I know that I can trust you?"

He couldn't be serious. The moment those words left his mouth, I could feel the heat that I'd surpressed during the run bubble up in me, even as a knife of pain lanced my heart, and a punch of skepticism-I was suspicious. he gave up too easily. The man was walking stubbornness. He embodied it...and he was just suddenly giving up? Something wasn't right.

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