Chapter 36 - Books & Looks

Start from the beginning

"Yeah yeah" they chorused before climbing into the car, I then turned my attention back to Valentino "I'll see you on Monday oh and don't open your present until you get there".

I had bought him some custom made boxing gloves with his cheesy clichéy name his boxing mates called him 'lock jaw' at the base. It was gold and black which I thought had a nice connotation to it. In my eyes he was rare type of guy, who although was overly-confident at the best of times was sympathetic and sincere, and of course beautiful, hence the gold. I'd never have the balls to tell him what I truly thought though

He smiled, kissing my on the forehead, something he has never done before. But it was admittedly endearing. I loved it when he showed me his sweet side.

"Bye princesa" he adieu-ed slowly letting go of my hand and making his way into the passengers seat. I gave them one last wave before heading back to the basement.

As I heard them beep and speed off, I grabbed my backpack and threw it into the hidden compartment of my motor bike and igniting the engine before speeding off in the different direction. I was kind of jealous of the fact that they were given special leave off school. Well at least Valentino was, twinboy and Toni decided to bunk to accompany him.

As being part of the sports teams of the school it was hard to admit but we were often given special benefits. Not that I was complaining. Time off school, nice accommodation at away competitions, extended holidays after performance wins, "team-building' days off etc. However in a way I understood, Every time a sports team won, the school would get more publicity, more money and so they treated us. I guess there was nothing wrong with that but I really tried to not take anything for granted and luckily I hadn't been sucked into the whole spoilt stereotype given to their students. Being at a private school was a lot different to what I expected it to be like, it was quite liberal as they let us wear our own clothes and as for the students only around sixty percent of them were snobs, at least ten percent were rich but modest and the rest were on scholarships, mostly academic.

As I turned into the last right before the gates I passed Aaron in his car, almost catching eyes with him before quickly zooming off ahead a little bit. We hadn't spoken in weeks, ever since he tried to kiss me then sulked off. I mean what the frack was that about?! He knew I was with Valentino and then he thought I'd be okay with fooling around with some other guys?

I mean where did the audacity even come from? Because he didn't not seem like the guy I met back earlier in the year. I've just been hoping that it was a slip up but even so, I didn't know whether it counted as lying that I hadn't told Valentino or anyone really about the whole ordeal a couple of weeks ago.

I was waiting for him to come and apologise so we could just put it behind us. Or maybe I was supposed to say sorry, maybe during all those study dates I was accidentally leading him on somehow? I don't know.

After a few minutes of looking I found a parking space behind the school and hopped off. Making my way into school I headed straight into the library and checked in for my double free period.

"Hi, excuse me, do you happen to know where I can find the study guide for Othello" I asked the girl who was working behind the computer. Most of the time the library was run by juniors and seniors who volunteered, usually for extra credit but some of the time because they loved books

The girl revealed herself fully from behind the book she was reading, her wavy long shiny brunette hair which cascaded past her shoulders which must have past her waist also came into view. Looking me up and down for a second before reaching my eyes and giving me a tight smile. "Yeah umm it's in isle three-" she started before typing something into the computer "-shelf 5, colour purple"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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