3)Thanksgiving With The Y/L/Ns pt 2

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"No they'll They know that, cos im always late." She said putting my. Arms around her waist and I leaned down for a kiss. I was temper to lift her anss carry her to the b ess,  but I stopped myself.

"We have to go babe." She sighed and went to her room to get dressed. Her cousin drove us to her parents house house a with his family. We got out of the car and walked into the house.

Everyone was greeting us very kindly. Y/N introduced me to everyone then she paused when we got to the last person. A he glared at him.

"Hi I'm Justin. I'm Y/N-a boyfriend and you must be her cousin--"

"Ex-boyfriend/future husband, so enjoy this while it lasts." I turned and looked at her.

"I told you my parents have no problem with you. You're just not him." She pulled me aside away from all the people and explained the whole story of how her parents wanted them together since they found out that he had a crush on them. Back then she was not the way she is today. She just did what she was told without question, so they dated, but her heart wasn't into it. After high school she moved to L.A. and broke up with him over the phone.

"He honestly means nothing to me."

"But he means something to us. If your parent just want you to leave me and fkr him, they'll stop at nothing til I'm out of the picture."

"As long as I have a say in it, which I do, you will be in the picture for a very, very long time."

I nodded and she kissed my check for reassurance. We held hands and walked to the outdoor dinner table that everybody was heading to.


The dinner went I to full swing right after Y/N said grace. Everyone was having their own conversation and then one conversation would spill to the rest of the table. Everyone at some point started telling stories about Y/N. They started off cute like her crying over losing a tooth and comforting a fellow baby,  but then shxx hit the fan when they started talking about the cut couple that she and y/exbf/n used to be.

"...and he was just so good to her I can't imagine how anyone would ever match that." Y/N smacked her hand on the table and accidentally cut herself with a knife.

"Babe, youre bleeding. Where's the first-aid kit."

"In the kitchen. I'll show you." We both stood up and walked to the kitchen. I got her hand cleaned and bandaged within two minutes, but she didn't want to go back.

"Babe I am so sorry."

"Dont apologized. I don't care how much  your parents try to tear us apart. As long as we still love each other, they can't break us, okay." She nodded. Okay.

We walked back to the back yard and everyone was doing their own thing. Some were still eating, some were standing around drinking.

I sat down with Y/N on my lap and we just watched everyone. I looked at y/c/n and he was starting to cough a lot.
"Y/c/n are you okay man?"

The veins in his face were strained.  That was when I realized--he was choking. I ran to him and pulled him up. I stood behind me and put my hands together around his stomach and squeezed. Y/N was in the corner crying in y/exbf/n's arms. They were all looking at me. I kept squeezing and finally a tiny piece of slightly chewed steak shot out of his mouth.

Y/N ran to her cousin and hugged him.
"Oh thank God, you're okay." II was breathing heavily as if I was the one who'd had my aur supply cut off for a quarter of a minute.

"Justin thank you!" She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"So that's why they like you?" Our son asked.

"No. They like me because I'm myself little guy that's all you should ever be. That incident is why they trust me to take care of your mother." I looked over at Y/N and she shook her head.

"Quit while you're ahead." She whispered. We pulled up to the church and got out. Y/n an I pretend we were about to wak away, but we came back to get the kids out and walked with them. Y/N carried the baby girl, I held our son's hand and carried Y/N's bag.

Y/exbf/n walked up to me just as Y/N's uncle was walking away from thanking me.
"Justin. Good job with y/c/n back there." We shook hands.
"Too bad though. Despite that, Y/n still ends up marrying me."

"What do you mean?"

"You really think she'll stay with you. She has more reason to be with me. Not only am I rich, which is obviously the only reason she's with you, I have the love and support of the family. They trust me with their little girl's life. They would rather entrust her to a wild boar than you."

"Is that so?" Y/N asked from behind you.
"Justin just saved the life of my favourite cousin while you just stood there comforting me. You never even thought to do anything? My parents would rather let a tiger take care of me than a wolf in sheep's clothing like you."
"But your par--"

"Her parents agree. We've had this fantasy of her marrying our best friends' son not realising who exactly we were giving her to. Thank you y/exbf/n. You may leave."

He walked out of the house angrily and we all went back to the celebration. Y/N whispered in my ear.

Her parents came over to me. He father shook my hand and her mother did the same.
"You better take care of her. She's the only one we have." He father said

I looked at her lovingly.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."


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