No More resets (frisk x sans)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I PERSONALLY DISAGREE WITH THIS SHIP. I think that sans is personally to old for frisk and is more like an uncle or father figure to frisk(pacifist). I WILL HOW EVER GIVE THIS A TRY***

It was a cold morning in snowdin. Sans the skeleton usually was at his post around this time, and frisk knew that. She rose out of bed and put on the new sweater Papyrus had made for her. She put on her snow boots and went outside.

Even thought sans is usually at his post at this time he was probably slacking at Grillby's. knowing that, frisk went in to check. The bar was already filled with monsters. Lesser dogs greeted frisk as she walked in. Frisk said hi back and went to her and Sans's usually spot. She smiled as she seen the short skeleton sitting in his usual spot. She sat next to him.

"Hey. Sans. I see your slacking off again lazy bones." Said frisk trying to sound as cute as possible.

"Stop tickling my funny bone kid. What's up?" He responded

"Maybe we can have lunch together or maybe we can watch anime or-."

"Oh I see you wanna go on another date." He said his constant smile on his face.

"Well I dont know kid.."

"Awe. No fair!" Frisk puffed up her cheeks and started to pout.

"Ah.. dont give me that face frisk you know its adorable and I'll probably fall for it."

Frisk countinued to make the face. She new it got in sans nerves that why she did it. He was gonna give in any second.

"Ok..ok. we can go on a date.."
He said a bit blushing.

Frisk jumped up out of her seat.

"Meet me at your house at 6 tonight!!"
Frisk said to him smilling widely.

"What about Papyrus kid?"
"I'll take care of him. Don't worry."
Frisk told him and smiled.

Frisk walked out of the Bar and went to sans house. Frisk liked their house it was always so welcoming. She walked in with the spare key Papyrus gave her and started to get things ready. She layed a blanket over the sofa and grabbed some anime for them to watch. She was excited to have this date. She ran upstairs and took off her shoes and changed into a nice key whole sweater and some shorty-shorts. She smiled and sat downstairs waiting for sans. Papyrus came back and looked at the place.


"No but I need you to run an errand for me papy..,"


"Oh give this to Bob in temmie village for me please."

"IM ON IT!" Papyrus left right as he was given the orders.

Frisk smiled and waited for sans. Just as she began to turn on the TV he came in.

"Hey kiddo.. wow you got everything ready didn't you?"

Frisk nodded and set the TV up. She sat down with the skeleton and watched the tv. After a while sans started to speak.

"H-Hey.. kiddo.. how long you gonna make me wait??" Said sans his voice a bit shakey.

"Wait for what?.." said frisk confused and scared.

"Ya know... for you to... reset." A tear fell down his face. Frisk looked at him and knelt so that she was his size.

"If this date goes well I won't need to reset sans.... I love you and I don't want to hurt you.. " frisk looked into his eye sockets.

"I won't reset sans I promise."

Sans smiled and hugged frisk tightly. Frisk smiled and kissed him. Sans used his magic to make it feel like he had lips. Frisk countinued to kiss him until she pulled him ontop of her. She looked at him passion in her eyes.

"Yes.. frisky"
"I want you..." frisk tugged at his shorts just enought to reveal his blue member.

Sans blushed and took off frisks pants to reveal her, already dripping wet. Sans got ready and got into position. Frisk bit her lip ready for it.

Just then there was a huge crash through the door followed by a familiar voice.

""AAAAH HUMAN THE TEMMIES ARE ATTA-" Papyrus said stopping when he noticed frisk half naked and sans ontop of her.

__________________________________________________________________________________ Consider this a cock block moment. Haha hope you enjoyed this it was personally really hard to write.

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