"Not Meredith but, maybe you could help convince Parrish." Lydia said.

Mia furrowed her brows and Derek frowned in confusion. "Huh?" The couple asked.

Damien snorted. "I get it."

"What the hell are you talking about?" They asked giving him a confused look well in Derek's case it was more of a glare.

"Okay that's getting creepy." The Kitsune muttered. "They're referring to the crush Parrish has on you."

Mia blinked while Derek clenched his jaw. "Okay, Jordan does not have a crush on me. We've only talked like a few times together." She pointed out.

"Jordan?" Lydia said in amusement. "You two are already on first name bases."

"Yeah and he's always looking at you when you don't think you're looking." Stiles added with a quick nod.

"And he gave you a ride to the hospital the other day." Damien mused. His eyes flickered over to the sour wolf.  "Better watch out Derek. A hot young deputy is trying to steal your girl."

Derek rolled his eyes. "He can try but, in the end I'm the one marrying her." He said calmly taking a sip of his coffee. He refused to be jealous of a guy who barely knew Mia. He wouldn't say or do anything unless the deputy said or made a move on the brunette beauty next to him. He was a possessive guy especially now that Mia was pregnant but, he wasn't going to attack a guy for merely crushing on his fiance.

Mia stifled a laugh when she saw look the three standing in front of her. 

Damien's jaw dropped, Lydia's eyes landed on her ring finger, Stiles was gaping like a fish. "You're getting married?!" All three yelled in unison.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You live with her and you didn't notice the ring on her finger?"

"I would have thought the ring would be bigger seeing as how much money Derek's family had."

Both Derek and Mia shared a sigh going into the living room away from the arguing trio. "So. A deputy huh? " Derek mused giving his fiance an amused look.

 A deputy huh? " Derek mused giving his fiance an amused look

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She scoffed giving him a playful shove. "They're just being silly." She said as she grabbed him from the collar of his jacket and pulled him towards her. "I love you." Her eyes shown with with much adoration and love in her doe eyes.

He placed one hand on her hip pulling her closer while the other pushed back a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I love you, too. The both of you." He added glancing down at her stomach before pulling her into a kiss.

She smiled in the kiss he gave her and pulled him closer. The kiss quickly went from being innocent to them roughly kissing one another. Mia pushed Derek onto the couch and straddled him. He bit her lip before pressing open mouth kisses down her throat. She released a content sigh tugging on his hair, slamming their lips together once more. Ever since she got pregnant her hormones had gone up, not that she really minded nor did Derek.

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