Party In The Town

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Diana POV

Waking up the next day I take my phone out the charger and snuggle back into the bed. I take look at my screensaver, it's our whole group on our last day of High school we were all laughing at one of Barry ' s jokes. Trying to take a decent photo around the boys is very difficult because we constantly seem to end up laughing. I keep looking at the picture till something caught my attention Bruce had this big smile on his face that reached his eyes it made me smile even more,looking at his beautiful face, analysing his features he had bright blue eyes, a mesmerising smile and a very sharp jawline. Peaking down at his physique, he is very large in size with a muscular frame.I continue looking at him when a message popped up on my screen.
~Morning guys. Shay texted
Then numerous amounts of greetings were sent to the group chat.
Morning everyone. Oh Shay I only have Greek Mythology and Biology so I'll probably come to your dorm after my classes.
~ Sure thing, maybe let's all meet around 3 pm grab lunch do something before the party.
A string of sures and replies to Shay ' s request were answered.
Checking the time I realise it 9:30 and I have class at 11:30

Getting out the of bed I go to my closest and take out a simple white Champion hoody, black tank top, black tights and my black and white Superstars. I leave them on the bed and go straight to the bathroom. Heading straight to the basin and look at myself in the mirror. God I look awful. I take my toothbrush and toothpaste and spread it across the head. I brush my teeth and rinse before twisting the hot water for the shower. I undress and get in to the warm water and relax before taking my buff and pouring my velvet shampoo and start washing.

Exiting the bathroom with wet hair and and a white fluffy towel wrapped around my body. I go to the draw and take out lingerie and finish dressing. Moving along side to my dressing table I take out my Le Est Belle perfume and spray myself around the neck and all over my body before reaching for the hair dryer. Just as I was about to switch it on I hear my phone ring. I answer to hear:
"Hey Di." He said in a baritone voice like he just woke up.
"Hey Bruce what's up"
"Did you manage to finish that question that Mrs A gave us?"
"I was just about to start."
"Can I come over so we can do it together because I really don't understand what's going?"
"Sure. You know where my dorm is right?"
"Yeah it's just a few doors away from John and Barry."
"You got it, see you soon."
I quickly dry my hair and put it in a messy bun at the top of my head. Leaving a few strands to hang loosely on the side of my face. After 30 min I leaving my room I hear a knock on the door.

Opening the door I see Bruce with his bag on his back and a large square shaped box and a tray of brown coloured drinks from starbucks. "I didn't eat and I was not sure if you had, had any thing to eat either so I just bought us pizza and iced mocha's oh and I have sweets in my back pack". He walked through the door and put everything on the table. "Bruce when did you have time to buy all these things?" "Well when I called you I was already ordering food online then I just got ready and on my way out it was ready. But the sweets are mine and Clark's so yeah. I didn't know which ones you liked so I bought Mike and Ike's aswell as Skittles, Reeces Peanut Butter cups, Starbursts, Jolly Ranchers, and some pop rocks." "Mike and Ike's for now please. Like these sweets are my favourite if you want to marry me buy me alot of Mike and Ike sweets and I'll be yours forever." As Bruce Chuckled " Duly noted." "Let's eat and get to work."

I took a big light blanket and layed it out on the floor between the living room and TV area. We placed our books the drinks and the pizza on the floor. I washed my hands and dried them while walking to our makeshift study/eating area and noticed Bruce brought a speaker and I went a head and connected to my rose gold Iphone 8 plus and started playing Billie Ellish' album. Bruce walked out my room and sat down."Hey where is Dinah?" He asked as took out his phone he had the Xs. " I think she slept over at Ollie ' s." He nodded in acknowledgement of my answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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