What the fuck is this baboon doing here?

Start from the beginning


A startled scream tore from my mouth and almost immediately a hand cupped it. I struggled against the person.

"Shhh.... Its me. Xavier..."I stopped struggling almost immediately and froze.
Xavier released my mouth slowly and stepped back from me. I turned around cautiously and saw Xavier actually standing before me. My breath caught up in her throat.

"What are you doing here?" I asked breathlessly. A smirk began to form on his gorgeous yet, oh so sinful lips.

"Wishing you had clothes on so I could actually look somewhere other than your luscious body." He said darkly. His voice grew husky. A blush began to grow itself on my cheeks.

"Give me a minute." I squeaked at him and snatched the clothes from my bed and ran to my bathroom, only breathing after shutting and locking it. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, trying to make myself believe that Xavier was here. After he asked me out and I called him and said yes and-



Memory about how angry i was at him began to get hold of my mind, anger began to bubble with in me. Quickly, I threw on my clothes and grabbed the door open with a hard jerk.

Xavier's head shot up at the movement and he smirked at me again. I glared at him. I still cant believe this ass has the nerve to hang up on me when I said yes to being his girlfriend and then to smirk at me!

Contained with anger I looked around me and saw a half full
plastic cup with what seemed like coke. Nora was probably drinking it. Picking it up, I hurled it at Xavier was all the force I had. The contents of the cup spilled out mid air, staining all across my floor. Everything happened in a slow motion.

One minute I saw the plastic cup flying towards Xavier, then his eyes widening at the sudden attack and then him ducking, just in time, to dodge the cup while it flied past him and splashed all its dark contents at the wall.
Xavier stood straight again, still having that shocked expression.
Anger rose in me further at the jerk's reflexive fighter skills. Letting out a war cry, I ran at him,full speed and launched myself at him. That made Xavier's body step back and crash with the stained wall. I heard him grunt beneath me.

"What the hell Hazel?" He asked me incredulously. I breathed out angrily.

"How dare you hang up on me when I said yes to you!?" I whisper yelled at him. Even though I had no idea why I was whispering. Mom wasn't even home.

"And you're angry at me for that??" He asked me. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh I don't Xavier, I threw a cup at you, which you effortlessly dodged by the way, I threw myself at you, quite literally. Hmm... How about a YES!!" I screamed at him. Xavier looked at me for a very long while. A smile began to tug his lips and soon it turned into chuckle, riling me up further.

"Why are you laughing creep??" I yelled at him. My voice back to its high pitches.

"Because you're just so cute when all worked up. So damn cute." He cooed.

"Oh I hope you find me funny, when I kick your balls off you!" I threatened him. Xavier's smile deepened. His eyes twinkled with amusement. However I didn't get any answer. Instead, I was suddenly grabbed the waist and Xavier twisted his body and voilà! It's me pinned to the wall now and very much aware of the hard body infront me, pushing into me. Xavier breathed near my ear and suddenly i felt him biting it softly. I gasped as a very pleasurable sensation ran throughout my body.

"I hung up because I was training for my next fight." His tongue traced my earlobe. A soft sigh released from my mouth. "And when you said yes, I wanted you to say it to my face before I react. So I hung up and ran to your place. " He whispered. I felt my heart melting at his sweet gesture. Xavier moved his lips and brought them just a centimeter away from mine. His eyes stared back into mine with something I couldn't decipher.

"So tell me Hazel, will be my girlfriend?" He asked me. But his eyes were asking me something else. He already knew I was going to say yes. What he actually wanted to ask was the permission to kiss me. Not trusting my voice ,I nodded. Xavier's lips landed on the contours of my mouth. His lips nibbling just above my lips. "Say it." He said.

As weird as it sounds, I felt my heart beating in my throat. He wanted me to speak. Obeying his command, I cleared up my throat. "Yes I will be your girlfriend." I said weakly. Xavier's lips came crashing down on mine, claiming a very possessive kiss.

There have been three times, when Xavier and I kissed but none of them were anything, compared to this one, I was receiving. It was gentle yet rough. Soft yet possessive. Burning, yet I craved even more.
His tongue was exploring every crevice of my mouth. I found myself melting against Xavier's hard body. It was a blessing that he had me pressed or I was sure, I would've had crumbled to the floor. My arms made their way to his nape and my fingers grabbed a handful of his hair.

A moan escaped my lips as Xavier bit on my upper lip. His tongue soothed the sting as it caressed it. His lip sucking onto the flesh just above my lips. I tugged at his hair. A groan escaped from Xavier. I pressed myself even further into Xavier and he tightened his grip on my waist. It was like neither of us wanted any space to be left between us.

I could feel everything. The hard contours of his body against mine. His breath fanning my lips. His hips pushing into mine. I craved to feel more. Feel everything. Turn blind to the world and surrender myself to him.

We finally pulled away breathlessly. He looked at me with hooded eyes and smiled. Damn, that smile was beautiful! I smiled too. His hands then began to move up to where my hands were and gently he pried them off my neck. His large hands almost swallowing up my smaller ones. He placed my hands on either side of me, against the wall and pushed me further into the wall. His face rested on the space between my neck and the shoulders. I don't exactly remember how long we stayed like that, just in each other's arms because when we pulled apart, it was because of a very high pitched scream.

"What the fuck is this baboon doing here!!!!! What are you doing hugging him!!!!" Nora yelled. She was standing there with two cups of Ben and Jerry, her expressions baffled. I mentally laughed at how hilarious she looked.

"This baboon was hugging his girlfriend. You are free to leave if you don't like it." Xavier snapped at her. Nora narrowed her eyes at him. Gone was the shyness and nervousness. It was the original Nora now.

"Oh you're the one getting out. She is not your girlfriend. You hung up on her you poor minded rascal!" She said to him. I stepped forward to stop whatever was starting up, but one look from Nora had me backing down.

"I don't have to explain myself to you." Xavier said coolly. I gasped at the ice in his tone and the sudden change in his temper. However, Nora didn't back down.

"Oh well... Fine then!" She said and turned around. Although, to my utter surprise it was not because she was backing down but to pick up a vase. She turned around and hurled it at Xavier. And immediately, I felt Xavier's reflexes kicking in. His hand tightened in mine and he ducked us both just in time, that the vase flew past us and shattered on the previously stained wall.

"And i don't have to explain myself to you for that!!" Nora spat. I although, did not move, nor did I try to look at Xavier.

I don't think I'd be angry if he breaks up with me. Who's gonna put up with my word vomit and a psycho best friend. Gathering up a little guts, I looked sideways at Xavier. He a hint of smile dancing on those lips I just kissed and am craving to again.

"Well played Miss Nora. I see we'll have fun together in the future." Xavier replied in a dramatic formal tone. His lips now twisted in a beautiful smirk. Nora huffed and stomped her way out of the room. I however stayed put in my place. Xavier turned towards me, his smirk deepened.

"So where were we?" He asked. I blinked. My mind had gone numb by now. An hour ago, I was simply showering. And now I have a boyfriend, I had the best kiss of my life, and my boyfriend fought with my best friend.

"Huh?" I asked. However, instead of getting an answer, I had a pair of lips crash upon mine. And again, I was lost.

Dear God!

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