Why do you do this?

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Jess, why do you do this? Why do you odd us out of everyone else? Why do you make Aarmau you're top priority and forget everything else?

When I first found your channel, I fell in love with it. I watched your videos to make me happy, it made me entertained.

Obviously, I was happy where I was, I loved Minecraft diaries, I could relate too characters, and grew attached to them.


Then you announce that you shipped Aarmau, and made it sail in all series, didn't think about your old fans at all and forgot them. Forgot it all, everything.

I had depression, and you doing that simple thing made me even more depressed. People say "Why are you so attached to it? Why is it important?" Well,

It was the only thing that made me happy in this world. 

Then the fact that you keep going on, lying, not caring at all, made it worse. I actually found a channel that I grew very fond of, and you let me down. It pains ME to say that some Youtuber I watch it one of the reasons I cry at night. You can call it dramatic, but it was the only thing that made me happy.

But, I still watch your videos

I'm still holding on even though it hurts, because i'm used to it. It has hurted so much that iv'e gotten used to it.

Now, i'm just waiting for you to change.


dAMN, I made something emotional. That was like a really weird poem xD I don't know... I just kinda wrote from my heart.

But yeah... See you guys...

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