0.1 - Jaele

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If there was one thing he loved about summer, it was having bonfires.

Growing up his family had one every weekend, and when he started acting, he lost some of the traditions they used to have.

So when his cast mates suggested having one on their last day of filming, his heart couldn't help but leaping in his chest.

They all gathered in his backyard, sitting on logs and stumps, all around the large fire pit that he had loved so much growing up.

Riele and Maeve sat on one log, Sean on the stump beside them. Jace had wanted to sit beside Riele, but happily took the spot next to Ella .

They had invited Cooper to join them, but he had opted to stay home with his family.

"I can't believe we are finished three seasons" Riele said. Jace looked over the fire at her, her brown eyes glowing against the light of the flames.

"I know, it's hard to believe that we've literally grown up together, right next to our characters." Maeve answered her.

"I mean we're not kids anymore" she said, looking between them.

Jace had to agree. When they started filming the first season, he was a kid. Now he was almost seventeen, starting to understand exactly who he wanted to be.

"I'm really glad I met you guys" he said, looking between each of his friends.

Sean laughed.

"No seriously" Jace replied, "I don't think you guys know how much you have all changed my life. I can't imagine my life without you"

Ella placed her hand on his knee, and smiled at him. When he looked away from her, his eyes found themselves darting to Riele. She was also smiling, that little dimple appearing beside her mouth.

He couldn't help but smile back.

Filming was one of his most favourite things in the world. He got to spend his every waking hour around the people he loved the most.

So when each season wrapped, he hated to say goodbye.

They would all go their own ways, back to their hometowns, moving on to new projects. He wouldn't see his friends for months, he wouldn't see Riele for months. It broke his heart just thinking about it.

So for their last night together, he decided to savour it.

They sat together, eating the snacks his mother had brought out for them, laughing at memories they had made in the past few months.

He had never loved a moment so much.

As the night dragged on, one by one his friends began to leave. Their last night together had come to an end.

He hated saying goodbye, knowing that it would be a few months before they gathered together again for season 4. It was like moving away from your family.

Eventually, everyone had left except for Riele, leaving the two of them alone.

He looked across the growing fire at her, sitting with her hands clasped together in her lap.

Her hair fell around her face, the tiny curls bouncing when she moved her head to look up at him. He loved how her eyes seemed to dance against the flames. He could so easily get lost there.

They both sat there, on opposite ends of the fire, neither moving their eyes from each other. He could feel the butterflies stirring in his stomach.

When he looked at Riele, he saw every beautiful thing he had ever loved. There was just something so magical about her, so breathtaking.

Eventually, she stood up, and his eyes followed her as she moved around the fire to sit down next to him. His heart rate quickened.

"I thought we needed to end this silence." She said to him. He turned his body so that he could see her better.

Up close, he could see the different colours in her eyes, and the blush that had appeared in her cheeks.

His best friend was so captivating.

"I can't believe we're going to be away from each other again" she said, "I'm always so much happier when I'm around all of you."

Jace looked at her. He hoped she knew how much he loved her.

"I'm always just a phone call away" he said, watching the small smile appear in her lips.

"I know you are" she whispered, moving her hand over to take his. He shivered against the warmth of her hand.

They sat together, hand in hand, beside the fire. He looked over at her, shocked to find that her eyes hadn't moved from him.

She shot him a shy smile, and then looked away, pulling her hand back.

"I should probably get going" she said, standing up. He moved to stand beside her.

"Okay" he said, running his hand through his hair. He hoped he didn't look as flustered as he felt.

"Thanks for the memories Jace" she said to him, looking up into his eyes. Every muscle in his body wanted to reach out and hold her.

Riele leaned up and kissed his cheek, her lips lingering against his skin. As she pulled back from him, his hands shot up and grabbed her face.

He held her close to him, looking down into her eyes. He felt her warm breath touch his neck. He closed his eyes, and breathed in the scent of her.

And when he felt he was ready, he leaned in and kissed her.

And he smiled when she kissed him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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