Chapter 3: Stood Up & My Number?

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Zayn winced and moved the phone a little farther away from his ear, even at 10 in the morning; Louis was still the loudest person in the world, “I didn’t go on the date, he ate alone, I stayed home while he went on the date, Zayn no there, Harry there, how many more different definitions do you want?”

He heard Louis groan and mumble a few profanities, “Stop being a twat, you know what I mean.”

Zayn had thought about going on the date all night, he couldn’t help but still think of Harry as that creep that stares at him almost all day. He kept reminding himself how dangerous Harry could be, but he also reminded himself that he could be over thinking it, Harry did seem sweet, and he always tipped well, but after an hour and a half of pacing around his living room, Zayn decided to stay home and feel guilty about it in the morning.

“Look, it was kind of sweet and all, but I barely know him, and I still think he’s a creeper. Plus, I didn’t exactly agree to go on the date; he sort of forced it on me,”

“So what? He’s a fucking saint, have you SEEN him?! My god, Zayn, you’re such an idiot.”

Zayn scoffed, “It’s not always about looks, he seems cool and all, but wasn’t it a little creepy how when you were introducing us, he already knew my name?”

“You freaking work there, you over dramatic little troll.”

“So does Niall!”

“That little leprechaun never wears his name tag, you, however, do. Why are trying to find so many things wrong with him? Be flattered that he finds you worthy enough for a date,”

“And what the hell is that supposed to be mean?”

“It means, you may be attractive, but you’re dorky and you over analyze everything, INCLUDING Harry.”

Zayn rolled his eyes, even if Louis couldn’t see him, “I do not—”

“Okay, first, don’t roll your eyes at me, and stop wondering how I knew, I’ve known you my whole life, Zee, and secondly, yes you do, and you also like to deny negative things about you ‘cause you swear you’re like the perfect specimen ever made,”

“That’s not true…”

“Really? How long did it take for you to do your hair this morning?”

“I haven’t even gotten up from my bed; you rudely woke me up this morning, after I sent you that text from last NIGHT.”

Louis gasped, “So you’re not working at the coffee place today?”

“No, the new guy, Liam, officially started working there today, don’t know why it wasn’t official yesterday, but anyway, boss decided to give me the day off.”

“The NEW GUY is working there? Without you?! Oh god oh god...”

Zayn raised his eyebrow, “The hell is wrong with you?”

“I’m parked in front of the coffee shop…”

“Okay, so? Go in?”

“No, I can’t, but I need coffee, oh god, Zayn come down here and take my order.”

“Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?”

“The new guy, alright? It’s the new guy, he seems… I don’t know, just weird, I don’t like him,”

Zayn laughed, “You don’t like him? You guys stared at each other intensely when you first laid eyes on one another; it was like I was watching one of those sappy movies you always force me to watch.”

Two Cups Of Coffee, Please {Zarry/Lilo}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu